Friday, December 31, 2010

Shutter Speed Point And Shoot

I have learned ...

Although not always easy, we should leave in the hands of God all our concerns regarding the future. Not only that, we should also leave your hands in everything about our daily lives, our emotions, our activities. It seems a tip off from the world, but it is really the only choice we have if we want to live quietly and enjoy all that God has reserved for us.
After all, we can not change the past and the future does not belong to us. All that is within our power to give up day after day is to God's will and we must do one day at a time and every day. We can not speed up nor slow down time and we can not relive the same day several times to correct the mistakes and we can not relive the same experiment with new experiences to pleasant emotions.
There are some principles to think about the very beginning of this new year:
  1. We must admit that the most important lessons we learn in times of trouble, then predisponiamoci to thank God for every difficulties he has prepared for us in this new year;
  2. We must remember that God will continue to transform, to change to lead to higher growth. God wants to change us personally, not just the people around us. So, prepare to not point the finger at the mistakes of others to hide our own. The people belong to God and not us, who are believers or not, each person will be accountable to God for their actions, not us.
  3. We will never be able to love deeply and live life to the full joy and contentment until God will complete the process of removing waste from our character and remove what is not honored, and this is not always a painless procedure.
  4. When God uses difficulties to remove what is wrong in our lives, does so with a purpose, and when it does, we can be sure that, as Scripture says, all things work together for our good, to make us more Christ-like ... if we love God, though! (Romans 8:28-29).
Happy New Year to all!

Thursday, December 9, 2010

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May you also find out what Jesus is for me and what he does for me every day

"But when the fullness of time, God sent His Son, born of woman, born under the law, to redeem those who were under the law, that we might receive adoption. And, because you are sons, God hath sent forth the Spirit of his Son into our hearts, crying, "Abba, Father" " Galatians 4:4-6.

May you discover who Jesus is:

perfect peace in the midst of every storm

everything you need for every need

the solution to every problem

or fleeing any temptation

freedom from every chain

Balsam for any injury

comfort for every sorrow

The victorious in every battle

wisdom in every decision

The fatigue strength for every

hope for the future

The SMILE for each day

Remember that chubby baby cribs has nothing to do with the Glorious Saviour and Redeemer Jesus Christ has certainly been conceived by the Holy Spirit and born of Mary, but he grew up, lived an extraordinary life, is dead for our sins and then rose again.
He is the most beautiful gift ever given to mankind.

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Sharingan Eye Contacts Screensaver

few days ago I received a sweet letter from a friend that I no longer see so many years. Ci'eravamo lost sight until I was "caught" on a social network and we re-established contacts. Her name is Rosie and she lives in America, but for many years lived in Perugia and it's always valuable to us. We took care of her and her family for a while, 'but did not know how things were abdando in America ... now we know that God is taking care of this precious sister faithfully. Let me share with you this letter because, encouraged me and I think that might encourage you too. If we are faithful to God, nothing of what we do for Him, will never be wasted. Good reading.
Hello Maria Luisa!
a little thing I wanted to share with you (...) a few months ago, I read in Psalm 78:41 that the people began Jew "on groped God, and provoke the Holy One of Israel "in the King James Version (a version of the Bible in English) is used the phrase" LIMITED the Holy One of Israel. "When I read these words, I was surprised for a moment Then I started thinking and came suddenly this thought: If we always complain about what happens to us (like the people in the desert), if we do not trust the plan God has for us when we do not understand, - demonstrating a lack of faith - if we do not obey, if we do not grow unless we separate ourselves from the world, then we limit ourselves to the hand of God will not bless us, get that we remain in sin.

After thinking all this, I started to cry because it is as if God had wanted me to know that I want so much but that's me with my sin, I tie his hands, while he just wants to show me his blessings and his gifts. The blessings are directly proportional to our obedience. In Isaiah 59:1-2 we read this:

" Behold, the Lord's hand is not shortened to save, nor his ear too hard to hear, but your iniquities have separated you from your God, and your sins have hidden His face from you, He will not listen. "

I remember one time, Fred (the pastor of the Evangelical Baptist Center of Perugia), said that if we were not seeing fruit in our lives, we should have to ask what we were doing, we should watch our actions. Even if we obey, it is true that God will answer our prayers always, in the way we want, but surely the blessings will come, because God will stay close to us, if we keep close to Him

I just wanted to tell you this, it is amazing how God protects His Word into every language and finds a way to communicate the important things so personal?

Thanks Rosi, a hug from all of the CEB Perugia.

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

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sweet letter O as Pride ... Or like "Oh mom, how silly!"

"Lord, my heart is not proud and my eyes are not haughty; not aspire to things that are too big and too high for me.
Truly my soul is calm and quiet.
As a child weaned on his mother's womb, so it is quiet in me my soul.
O Israel, hope in the Lord, now and forever. "
(Psalm 131 - Song of degrees - to David)
A young Italian man went to Chicago for a week holiday, then took a room at the Hotel Sherman. His English was not great, but somehow managed to get by in those first hours on U.S. soil. After his room, he decided to take a walk. Turn you turn around, eventually lost. Unfortunately he did not remember the name of the street where the hotel was not even the appearance of the hotel itself. He was ashamed of his little English and at the same time he was sure that if you would manage alone, without help from anyone. He arrived in the evening with no result, then the young man decided to take another room in another hotel. The day after the search resumed, still insist not to ask or some help from some passing police officer, also because he was afraid to look bad with his little English. He tried unsuccessfully for five consecutive days the hotel where he had left all his luggage, but to no avail. Near the end of his vacation, he finally decided to go to a police patrol. The police obviously had no trouble finding your hotel. Indeed, kindly accompanied him there. When the youth arrived at the Hotel Sherman, where he had recorded on his arrival, he discovered to his great raccappriccio that it was not far from the Hotel Astor, where he stayed for 4 nights without his personal effects. The pride had prevented him from enjoying the much-coveted holiday causing him to lose time, money and joy.

No one should be so proud as not to recognize that they need help or more instructions on a job or an important decision. No one should let your pride prevent him from asking God for help and admit you were wrong. There is no shame not to be perfect ... all of us, if we rest in God, we are "your work in progress."

Remember the infamous Pride kicked Lucifer out of heaven, the weak and disobedient Adam from Paradise, The haughty Saul his kingdom, the arrogant Nebuchadnezzar off from society for a long period, from the arrogant Haman the court of King Ahasuerus, and led him to death. Do not let pride make you his prey!

Monday, November 15, 2010

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In the middle of the storm you'll never be alone!

We know how things go. Everything feels right, no problem on the horizon, no conflict, nothing to complain about ... There has never happened? I really think so. There are periods of calm, which does not seem true that there is peace all around us ... until out of nowhere, comes the storm. Maybe it's a financial crisis, a disease or something else that breaks overwhelmingly in your peace.
What do you do when the storm violently overwhelms you and your boat begins to sink?

While the apostle Paul traveled to Rome, a powerful storm unleashed by investing the boat on which he was with other passengers. Paul is not alarmed and did not panic, remained calm and even managed to encourage fellow travelers. He told them: "But now I urge you to be of good cheer, for there will be no loss of life for you, but only of the ship. As an angel of God to which I belong, and whom I serve, I appeared tonight " (Acts 27:22-23)
How did Paul have such certainty?

Paul was aware of the presence of God in his life. He knew that God was with him on the boat, in the midst of danger and who was also in control of the storm.

God is present in your life? is your Lord and Master? You're serving it daily in your work, family and everything you do? Then be assured that it will always be with you wherever you are and in whatever circumstances you find yourself. Will know that everything you need, when you need it.

God is with you now, no matter what kind of storm you are facing. Maybe not you hear a voice from heaven, you'll see an angel in a dream, but you can certainly hear his sweet voice and delicate, from the depths of your heart says "But now thus saith the Lord thy Creator, who formed you! Fear not, for I have redeemed you I have called you by name, you are mine! When you pass through the waters, I will be with you through the rivers, they shall not overflow thee: when you walk into the fire will not be burnt and the flame shall not consume you, because I AM the LORD thy God, the Holy, your SALVATORE; Because you are precious in my eyes, you are respected and I love you! "

This was the God of Paul is my ... .. God is your God?
If it is, too You can reassure others that it is really in control of everything. You will feel calm and peaceful in the midst of danger and uncertainty, because you can be sure of the presence of God in you, with you, around you. If your employer were communicated: "I'm sorry, but I must resign, or if your doctor told you:" The test results are not good you would know ...", that God is still in control of your life.

Remember that you are not and will never be alone! The Lord is near and is interested in your circumstances.
Jesus has promised "I'll be with you until the end of the age" (Matthew 28:20)

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

White Tongue Sore Throat

For his grace - Luciano

Pain In Foot And Fibroid

thank God for the brothers who strive for his work

We want to thank with all my heart for his brother Antonio the care of these video clips, and their achievement, which may touch your heart in this day and can be instrument of evangelization. May God bless you

Is Diabetic Uncurable

Believe - Luciano

Obesity Liposuction Blog -clinics

Where I'll go - Elena

5 Minutes Activities About Color

Hymn of Victory - Elena-Luciano-Lucy-Ghingali

Italian Quando Una Donna

I want to be with Thee - Luciano Lucy &

Lung Cancer Smf Forum

If you believe in God - The name Ghingali

Sunday, November 7, 2010

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balloons or grace enough?

"And because I did not have to exalted for excellence of the revelations, I was a thorn in the flesh, (...) so I'm not proud. Three times I besought the Lord that it might depart from me, and he told me: "My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness." Therefore I will boast quite gladly about my weaknesses, so that the power of Christ may rest upon me. For this I am pleased in weaknesses, in insults, in necessities, in persecutions, in distresses for Christ's sake, because when I am weak, then am I strong. "2 Corinthians 12:7-10

Today is a self-sufficiency rewarded and recognized value, indeed, advocated at all. A lot of people will never admit their own weakness or need for help from other people. "I can go it alone" support, even when, perhaps, are the tongue to the floor. We are honest with ourselves, often behind the armor of strength and courage instead of hiding one thing: pride.

Someone once said that adversity produces holes in our pride. In this chapter 12 of his letter to the Corinthians (and elsewhere) Paul claimed to have many reasons to be arrogant, proud of himself and totally self-sufficient: a good family, good academic background, an exemplary religious, a social position of great authority and power over life and death of others, and so on. (Philippians 3:5-6). Even after his personal encounter with the risen Christ and his conversion, Paul had many opportunities to increase his personal pride and rely on its other location chosen by God because God had called him in a unique and specific to the role of Apostle to the Gentiles to bring the Gospel to the ends of the known world.

But you know what? God knows our nature better than we do, that's why the Lord, in addition to the privileges of the apostolate, also gave him a "thorn in the flesh", a problem unknown to us but it was so serious and debilitating as to require constant care and spiritual Paul was praying that he could bear. This was the needle must constantly deflated his pride human and put many holes in it as is necessary to prevent swell like a balloon.

God uses adversity in much the same way in our lives. Sometimes we find ourselves in situations that are beyond our capacity to endure ... at least in appearance. But when we think we do not do it just as God gives us His sufficiency, His goodness, His guidance and strength. dwells in them.

Self-sufficiency is not a virtue but a trap. That's why God's message is the opposite of what the company proclaims it so hard. Those who wish to overcome adversity have to sacrifice their attitude of "I can do it alone" and learn to be completely dependent on Him when we are weak, God himself makes us strong.

Personally I thank God for the heart that puts constant needles in my life, unpleasant, unwanted but necessary to prevent or chosen to become a stuffed shirt, believes to be self sufficient, not needing others or God!

Monday, November 1, 2010

Basketball Christmas Wrapping Paper

you're warming up to the fire of the enemy?

Peter followed at a distance, until they reached the courtyard of the high priest, and entered, sitting down with the guards, to see how the story would end. Matthew 26:58

A series of wrong choices have led Peter to deny Christ. The first of these was having too much confidence in himself, the second was to follow Christ from afar. Finally, the third was wrong the wrong people attend.

In Luke 22:55 we find Peter as he warms up by the fire in the courtyard of the high priest Caiaphas, who stood trial with the intention of condemning Jesus, we call this "enemy fire" . At this point Peter was tired, frustrated, discouraged, confused and weak, to describe his situation with a word you could say that was vulnerable, then the \\ 'last place where Peter was supposed to be was right next to the fire of the enemy, surrounded by people who are not believers, rabid and ready to kill her beloved Master.

The Gospel of Matthew tells us that Peter sat with the servants to follow the order of events. She was already resigned to the fate of Jesus? He felt helpless in front of that situation? The only thing to do was sit there and really be scared and resigned to wait? Certainly Peter was in the wrong place with the wrong people at the wrong time, with feeling bad and about to do the wrong thing.

What's going on now about us? We think we are so strong and tough to be able to influence others? Or we feel weak and scared, vulnerable to "enemy fire"? With whom we spend our time when we need security, encouragement and direction? Where is our beloved master? The Winner and feel able to overwhelm opponents with his love?
Psalm 1 reminds us "Blessed is the man who walks not in the counsel of the ungodly, nor standeth in that way of sinners, nor sitteth in the seat of the scornful but his delight is in the law of the Lord and on his law he meditates day and night. " Note the progression of words in the Psalm: first c \\ 's walk, then there \\' s stop and then there's the seating.

When we fall into sin, or in a state of great prostration, we do not suddenly, from night and day. It is the result of a series of steps and wrong choices that ultimately will lead us to be with the wrong people, in the wrong place at the wrong times and that, consequently, we will do the wrong things, sooner or later that is.

What happened then to Peter? We all know: he denied him three times with oaths and curses, to know how Jesus reacted to Jesus? "And the Lord turned and looked at Peter and Peter (...) went out and wept bitterly? (Luke 22:61.62) Remember, no matter how many times you have denied the Lord, with Him there is always room for repentance and forgiveness!

Sunday, October 31, 2010

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Lucca Comics & Games 2010

inform everyone that my pictures are online Lucca Comics & Games 2010 .
I take this opportunity to say that my albums are easily downloaded: with Google Picasa installed on your computer, simply click on "Download" and then "Download to Picasa."

Hello and happy viewing!

Monday, October 25, 2010

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What God knows you

You count the steps of my wanderings; collect my tears yours may not register in your book? - Psalm 56:8

Today scientists tell us that we do not forget anything. Estimate that our brains out over the life, is capable of storing a trillion bits of information. Unbelievable is not it? If I think to myself, however, I have some trouble believing, since I'm a guy who forgets a lot of things, especially the keys. I often say, "If I had the head attached to the neck, just forget it somewhere as well." But sometimes just a particular scent or a scene from a movie bring to mind situations or people that I thought I had forgotten years old ... things that have remained somewhere in my memory and I thought I had removed.

God remembers everything - always. There are lapses in his memory. Never forgets anyone, God is omniscient, which means that he knows everything. The knowledge of God is eternal, just as He knows now what God has always known and will forever. God does not learn new things, He knows from the beginning, and do not forget things or people as we do. We learn new things, but God already knows everything from eternity.

The Bible tells us that He is aware of every known bird falls to the ground and that even our hair are counted one by one (Matthew 10:30). Well, it does not take much to have my hair :-) dopottutto ... maybe your head count will be more challenging ;-)

The amazing thing is that the majestic God, Almighty Creator of the universe is interested in us , you and me, in a precise and detailed! What makes us feel bad? What worries you? What do you proxy anxiety and headaches? What makes tears fall from your eyes? All these things are known to God and are important to God So whatever you're facing now, he knows everything. It is conscious of the mistakes made in a modern way, the problems of politics or economics, nothing gets by surprise. God knows the end of all things from the beginning. This all-knowing God loves you, loves me so much that wants to have with us an intimate friendship, he wants to talk to us in a simple and profound, he loves us to the point of sacrificing their lives for us.

you not enough? I certainly do not come And that's why I can deal with every day, all that will bring joy or tears, peace and the assurance that God knows everything about this day from all eternity!

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Pudhari Diwali Ank 2008

something that God really hates! Not

"These six things the LORD hates, indeed, seven are an abomination unto him: A proud look, a lying tongue, hands that shed innocent blood, the heart that deviseth wicked imaginations, feet that run to mischief, a false witness that speaketh lies, and he that soweth discord among brethren. "

Proverbs 6:16-19 God hates lying
of any color it is:
who is white, gray or black
... it will never be sincere.

God loves the truth,
God is truth, truth
God incarnate:
Jesus said: I am the Truth . (John 14:6)
quaestio is the reality!

It 's impossible for God to lie (Hebrews 6:18)
and hypocrisy just can not digest!
Not to mention the gossip ...
For Him is smell, stench, stink, stink tremendous

Attention therefore first to speak,
remember that God is listening!

In a recent study has been asked a sample of people what were the compelling reasons to lie. 98% of people answered that he is lying to avoid offending others. Up to a certain point, you can understand this position because telling the truth is not always easy, especially when asked "do you like my new dress ... "How am I ?"... "How's the dining room, good?" and "how are my red hair?" etc ... However, lying is sin. Lies have no color in front of God and also the so-called "Lies for a good purpose" is to hate him! There are other subtle

stratasgemmi we use and we should call "the gray" exaggeration in telling a story, or "sorry, I forgot" when in fact we would have liked to say NO to a specific commitment but we have not had the courage ; gossip is often lie in order to denigrate the reputation of others and we want to look better, what about the "good to see that" when in fact within us say "that pizza, mo 'I have to speak with is pure' person ".

Proverbs 20:19 says, "Who is gossiping reveals secrets; therefore not t'immischiare with who opens wide his lips.." We like to mention other (Or gossiping), and unfortunately, too often we like to listen to those who Sparla of others, is part of our mischievous nature.

How do you feel when you reach the ear lies about you or gossip about people you love? What a disappointment you felt the first time you discovered that someone you love has blatantly lied to? So you know how everything is destroyed.

Remember, God hates the lie, then we begin to hate and avoid it like crazy!

Saturday, October 2, 2010

Yas Emergency Contraception

my will but thy will be done!

ancient hymn This is a beautiful prayer. Of course, it is not easy to pray in this way, but I think it is the highest expression of love and trust in our God and Heavenly Father. Jesus in the garden of Gethsemane, prayed something like this when she was saddened by a deadly sadness. His prayer and his feelings were so intense that large drops of blood running down his face. Those moments were so crucial to him that Heavenly Father sent an angel to comfort him and support him. Finally, Jesus could say: "Not my will but yours be done!"

May the Lord help us to make our thoughts of this song, with deep peace and joy, with peace of mind knowing that God always wants the best for us!

Your path, not mine, Lord, is so dark!
Guide me with your hand, you choose the path for me.
Whether smooth or difficult, will also be the best;
curvy, or straight, take me in your presence.

I dare not choose the one that falls to me, even if I could do it;
Choose for me, my God, for me to walk straight.
The kingdom that I seek is yours,
That the path I walk is yours, otherwise I smarrirò.

Get my cup and fill it with joy or sorrow,
do you think better, you choose the good for me and my problems. Choose
for me my friends, my sickness or my health;
choose me for my problems, to my poverty and my wealth.

is not mine, not my choice, in everything, big or small;
Be thou my guide, my strength, my wisdom, my everything.

Horatius Bonar (1808-89)

Saturday, September 25, 2010

Scabs In One Side Of Nostril

I am with you always, always, until the end

"And surely I am with you always, until the end of the age" Matthew 28:20

  • I am close to you - Do not doubt my presence even for one minute.
  • I am the true God and true - Trust in the word I gave you, will keep it forever, this is my tribute!
  • I am close to you - I'll take care of you. I'll be with you wherever you go, because I love you, I have always loved me and not fear the unknown.

  • I am close to you - there will never be the place, time, second of your life in which I will not be next to you.
  • I am the same yesterday, today and forever - I want your friendship, I like to listen to and it is my pleasure to speak with you.
  • I am close to you - because this is the place where I want to be, I conquered, I bought it and I stole for you.

  • I am close to you - now, tomorrow, for eternity.
  • I am the God of love - am the Way, Life, Truth.
  • I will be next - in joy and in sorrow, in your daily routine and in adversity.

  • I am close to you - you will cross with the darkest moments of your life, wipe your tears.
  • I am your Good Shepherd - will accompany you in the deeper valleys and higher peaks.
  • I am the one who really understands you - Fear not, fear not, will never leave you alone, trust me.

  • I am close to you - you live really tough and difficult moments, you'll understand why I've lived too, all your joys are mine, all your pain will bring them to you.
  • I am close to you - in your youth, in your old age, in your busy times and even when resting.
  • I will be with you - in your travels and falls in your home when you wake up and when you lie down.

    And you? Will keep you tight to me?

Thursday, September 16, 2010

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Here are 4 things we can be absolutely sure about God's promises:

N. 1: God will never forget the promises that he has done;
N. 2: God does not promise never something that is not in capable of performing ... and He is Almighty;

N. 3: God does not promise something that has never even intend to make;
N. 4: God never will not turn his back on his responsibility in fulfilling the promises he has made.

God is faithful - Reliable - provides absolute certainty will never return to his word:

1 Corinthians 1:9: God is faithful, by whom ye were called unto the fellowship of His Son Jesus Christ our Lord!

1 Thessalonians 5:24: He who calls you is faithful and He will do it.

2 nd Thessalonians 3:3: But the Lord is faithful and He will make balances and will guard against evil.

2nd Timothy 2: 11-13: Of course this statement is: If we died with Him, we shall also live with Him, if we have consistency, we shall also reign with Him, if we deny him he will deny us if we are faithless, He remains faithful, he can not deny Himself.

Hebrews 10:23: hold fast the confession of our hope without wavering, for He is faithful who made the promises.

1 John 1:9: If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness.

There are days when it seems to us that our faith vaccilli ... others in which we ask: because God does not answer? Sometimes we feel alone and it seems that the Bible is talking about us as we would like ... do not panic ... is normal because we are human ... in those days and we always remind ourselves that God is 'and remain' Always faithful he can not deny Himself. Crediamoci stop, move forward and never let go he looked at God!

Friday, September 10, 2010

60th Birthday Speech Samples

he is always

"Cast your burden upon the Lord, and He shall sustain thee: he will never allow the righteous to be moved." Psalm 55:22

These words are for me a blessing, a refreshment for my heart and encouragement to face the challenges more difficult. Is not that great and wonderful to know that we catch on our Creator and Heavenly Father every weight, and God says its all weight? When God sustains us in person means that he gives us his strength, his presence guarantees, takes care of us personally, is always willing to listen to us and surrounds us with His perfect love. There seems little?

'm really grateful because Jesus is always present, is always with me and meets my needs, satisfies my deepest desires. strengthens me in my weaknesses, is in the midst of my difficulties, sees and dries my tears, every day brings me to my weight.

I'm really grateful to Jesus because when he came, did not seek those who already felt right with God, but those who were lost and sinners, He did not choose to use, to establish His Kingdom, persons who are perfectly capable of doing on its own merits or intellligenza, but chose the weak, imperfect, and apparently talented, has not sought the wise and intelligent of this world, but those who recognized in him the true wisdom.

I thank God with all my heart for His Word, which tells me today: (1 Cor 1:20-31)

"Where is the wise? Where is the scribe? Where is the context of this century? Has not God made foolish the wisdom of this world? Because the world does not know God through his wisdom, it pleased God in his wisdom, to save the believers through the foolishness of preaching. For Jews demand signs and Greeks seek wisdom, but we preach Christ crucified, a stumbling block to Jews and folly to foreigners, but for those who are called, both Jews than Greeks, Christ the power of God and the wisdom of God, because the foolishness of God is wiser than men and the weakness of God is stronger than men. In fact, brothers, check out your calling, there are among you many wise men after the flesh, not many mighty, not many noble, but God chose things crazy in the world to shame the wise, God chose the weak things of the world to shame the strong, God chose the ignoble things of the world, and things despised the things that are not, to bring to naught things that are, because no one should boast before God And it is thanks to him are ye in Christ Jesus, who of God is made unto us wisdom, righteousness, sanctification, and redemption, so that, as it is written: "Let him who boasts, it boast in the Lord. "

I am thankful to Jesus because he's my lawyer, my only Mediator, the anchor of my salvation, Jesus is always ready when I need him and always patient with me, calling me and recalled every time I get distracted or I forget about Him He never promised that I will drive from his presence.
Jesus is always with me when things go wrong, this is when hope is gone; encourages me when I pray and talk to me when I read His Word, when I'm lonely I know with certainty that he is not far away. Jesus takes me in the high valleys of life and joy, but even in the depths of despair and sadness, He Who created the heavens and all things visible and invisible, lives right inside of me, then, how could I not be his grateful ?

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

How Can You Tell It Is A Real Sandman


Can you imagine what would happen if we treat the Bible, the Word of God, in the same way we deal with the phone?

if they carried the Bible in our 24 hours, in her purse, hanging from the belt, or in the pocket of our jacket?

If we gave a glance over and over again during our day, just like we do with your mobile phone? If

, forgotten at home or office, retrace our steps to look for it? If

use it to send messages of love and encouragement to our friends?

if you treat her as if we could not live without her, just as some of us can not live without the phone?

If giving to our children, friends or relatives as the most valuable asset?

If the door with us on the road, on vacation or bureaucratic offices in case we needed help or if we were forced to wait long?

If we open immediately in case of danger, distress, fear or loneliness?

contrast to cellular, the Bible has always "pitch." We can connect and be in touch with God in any place (even in the mountains or at sea). God is never too busy or too tired to respond. We do not have to worry about the lack of credit, because Jesus has already paid for and always charging claims are unlimited. Even better: the communication is never interrupted, the battery is charged for a lifetime, never hear the voice of an answering machine in which to leave a message and never, never will be a pre-recorded message that says: "The 'Operator is currently busy on another call and will respond as soon as possigile. Do not hang up so as not to lose the priority gained "!

And here the numbers to add to your address book, maybe just one phone call, "compose" in case of need:

If you are sad - dial * 14 * John
If people murmured against you - dial * Psalm 27 * If you feel tired
/ a or exhausted / a - dial * Isaiah 40 * If you are anxious
/ o - dial * Matthew 6:19-24 *
If you are in danger - dial * Psalm 63 *
If your faith is weak - dial * 11 * Jews
If you feel alone / ae afraid - dial * Psalm 22 * \u200b\u200b
If you do not know how to love - dial * 13 * 1 Corinthians
If you want to know the secret of happiness - dial * Colossians 3:12-17
* If you feel just sad and distressed / a - dial * Romans 8:28-39 *
If you want peace and rest - dial * Matthew 11:25-30 *

There are times when it is better to have a biblical number to dial for find God's help rather than having a phone number to dial to find the help of a being uomano, weak and needy as you are!

If you have other emergency numbers to suggest the Bible is well and maybe Passali together with these others, could save a life!

Monday, August 23, 2010

Altair And Ezio's Hidden Blade

God, speaking of statues made of wood, marble or other worship materials from people, described as follows: "They have ears and hear not, they do not smell and nose, hands and have not touched, feet and do not walk, their throat is no sound. " Psalm 115:6-7

naturally tend to associate with the jealous pettiness and selfishness, we consider it a defect and not a virtue. But when he revealed to his people, called himself a jealous God, of course, this type of jealousy is not what we refer to regularly. Through the Scriptures we see that God is not only a jealous God, but God also zealous in his love for us and He wants you and I are alike zealous in our love for Him God loves us and wants an exclusive relationship, intimate, personal with us. Rightly, is not satisfied with the crumbs of our time or our affection.

God told his people: "Do not bow down to them (the statues and idols), nor serve them: for I the Lord thy God am a jealous God ..." (Exodus 20 : 5)

When the Israelites did and adored the golden calf while Moses was on Mount Sinai, defended themselves by saying that it was just "a celebration of the Lord" (Exodus 32:5). Nowadays you do not build golden calves but images of men and women that are real or fictitious, and, perhaps, there is justified the same way: "is just a celebration in honor of the Lord" ... Call it what you want, but the reality is that yesterday and today is just beautiful and good idolatry. A person who truly knows God, who has experienced the new birth and living in communion with Him through the sacrifice of Jesus Christ, should not need a picture to pray or worship God When a person feels that they need d ' images to worship, to focus on God or for "worship" a person there is something deeply wrong and unbiblical. And this is a serious problem, should not be underestimated.

Jesus said to a woman who was looking for answers to their spiritual needs: "The hour is coming, indeed has already come, when the true worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and in truth: for the Father seeks to worship him. God is spirit, and those who worship him, must worship him in spirit and in truth. " The woman said: "I know that the Messiah (who is called Christ) must come, and when he comes, we will announce everything." Jesus said: "It is I, I who speak to you! "


= Spirit we can not define or outline images resulting from our imagination, God is the invisible man would never have known the invisible God, if God had not revealed through Scripture and of Christ Jesus;
spirit of our worship to God must not merely "places of worship or particularly emotional moments, but we must start from within, from a renewed heart, afraid and consecrated to Him;

= corresponding truth and in harmony with the Scriptures and centered on the "Word made flesh - Jesus Christ (John 1: 1-2; 14:6) that reveals the Father.
're zealous for God? You're worshiping as he requires? Let's talk if you want.

the next

Saturday, August 21, 2010

18th Birthday Wording No Alcohol


Finally here I am posting a little something about the trip the "parent" of 2010, "main" because I hope to make others, even if youngest (maybe a hit and run in Berlin).
Prior to disclose the route I want to thank Gian Marco Prazzoli and Lorenzo Magnani for the company and the laughter made together and express some opinion on a country which, in my opinion, is not given a fair advertising and promotion at international level.

Some brief remarks
thought that the coldness of the people was directly proportional to the latitude, but I was wrong! The Scots are very sociable people and : no doubt appreciate the fact of meeting new people and, secondly, there seemed very kind and helpful.
several times (brandishing a map with perplexed do) we were approached by boys, ladies or gentlemen who asked us if we needed help.
To underline the seamless integration of different ethnic groups and mutual respect that exists in their society.
Urban Environment and countryside:
The strength of Scotland is without doubt the landscape green and beautiful as few hills and "sheep" out of sight; ;
city also show original and beautiful to see, being all different from each other, they would like to draw on a small list:

1 - A tied and Glasgow Inverness;
2 - Edinburgh
3 - Oban and Portree;
4 - Fort William;
5 - Aberdeen,

I placed 2nd place in Edinburgh, mainly because I found much travel, too much for my taste, but it is a subjective opinion that you should not consider for any trip;
Last place in Aberdeen because, according to me, is a city and too much new industrial, that due to the presence of numerous oil fields in the sea adjacent to her. I thought it was very ... mmm ... "Grey and anonymous."

But I will not get lost in conversation when we'll be more than a few and photos to document everything!

below shows you our itinerary (kindly provided by Lorenzo Magnani):

Day 1 (Friday July 30 2010) public transportation and aviation:
  • Piacenza - Milano Centrale (obviously by train);
  • Central Milan - Malpensa (Malpensa Shuttle);
  • Malpensa - Edinburgh (easyJet);
  • Edinburgh - Glasgow (train);

Day 2 (Saturday, July 31, 2010) on foot :
  • Glasgow;

Day 3 (Sunday, August 1, 2010) on foot:
  • Glasgow;

Day 4 (Monday, 02 August 2010) Car:
  • Glasgow;
  • Luss (Loch Lamond);
  • Invereray (Loch Fine);
  • Kilchum Castle ( Loch Awe);
  • Oban;
  • Fort William (Ben Nevis and Loch Linnie)
See Photos

Day 5 (Tuesday, August 3, 2010) Car:
  • Fort William (Ben Nevis and Loch Linnie)
  • Mallaig - Isle of Skye;
  • Kilchrist Church (Broadford);
  • Dunvegan Castle (Loch Dunvegan)
  • Duntulum Castle (Duntulum)
  • Uig (Loch Snizort)
See Photos

Day 6 (Wednesday 04 August 2010) Car:
  • Uig;
  • Old Man of Stone;
  • Portree;
  • Eilean Donan Castle (Loch Alsh)
  • Fort Augustus (Loch Ness);
  • Inverness (Loch Ness);
See Photos

Day 7 (Thursday, 05 August 2010) Car:
  • Inverness (Loch Ness);
  • Aberdeen (North Sea);
See Photos

Day 8 (Friday 06 August 2010) Car:
  • Aberdeen (North Sea);
  • Edinburgh;
See Photos

Day 9 (Saturday, August 7 2010) on foot:
  • Edinburgh;
See Photos

Day 10 (Sunday, August 6, 2010), public transport and aviation:
  • Edinburgh;
  • Malpensa
  • Milano Centrale;
  • Piacenza
See Photos

By any route you can see the photos of the places visited during the day. I used the space offered by online picasaweb: I will soon a sample video to show how they can be easily downloaded with Google Picasa.

Hello and see you soon!

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Pokemon Doujinshi Moe Pokemon Yaoi Doujinshi?

Jealous God The Word of God

There are people who read the Bible to discuss and debate arguments. They treat the Word of God as something to continually reassess and revise it to keep pace with the times. These people, proudly, I ask, "What do you think of this Book?" Without being really interested in your point of view, their purpose is to present their objections to whatever you say. Others, however, in humble submission, read the Word of God and they wonder: "What What this book think of me? "

" We must not be satisfied at the expense of the Spirit or the Word or the Word without the Spirit. Our life has to travel along these two parallel lines, just as the train travels along parallel rails. The Word of God is the instrument used by the Spirit, and only through this dedicated connection we can feel His Divine Voice. We need to fully understand the importance of intensive study of the Bible. (FB Meyer)

"Sooner or later, then all we have to address this fundamental issue: we accept the Bible as the Word of God as the sole authority on all matters of faith and practice authentic or not? I have to ask: everything about my thoughts on every aspect of life is governed and guided by Scripture, or I approach the scriptures with my arguments and I select the particular tracks that you agree to my personal interpretation of life and the Bible itself? Who is the authority on faith: I or the Bible? The issue is crystal clear: I accept all of Scripture as the revelation of God, or I put my trust in speculation, human knowledge, in the human ability to understand the essence of man and his motives. Or, more simply, to subdue all my trust and my thoughts and what I read the Bible? Or I rely on modern knowledge, human teachings, the current thinking or what we now know through science that was unknown in the past? It is inevitable that taking sides in one direction or another. (D. Martyn Lloyd-Jones)

There are other writings that can match the Word of God, the Bible, no philosophy, wisdom and human knowledge can never match the Wisdom of the Word of God The Word of God, Bible:

Eternal - Isaiah 40:8

Liberator - John 8:31-32

Food - Jeremiah 15:16, Matthew 4:4

Reliable - Titus 1:9

solid foundation - Matthew 7:24

winning - Ephesians 6:17

fruitful - Mark 4:20

Absolutely perfect - Psalm 19:7

living and active - Hebrews 4:12

THE WORD God and Christ Jesus, God, light, life - John 1:1-3

Decide now how you want to get closer to God's Word, the Bible. Whatever is your choice, however, remember the words of Jesus Christ himself, and then act accordingly:

"Verily, verily I say unto you, whoever hears my word and believes him who sent me, has life eternal and do not come into condemnation but has passed from death to life. "John 5:24

And finally, here are 10 reasons why I believe in the Bible, the Word of God:
2 is reasonable. Its composition wonderful
3. His only complete
4. His teachings unparalleled
5. His appeal perennial
6. Its scientific accuracy
7. His prophecies fulfilled
8. His miraculous preservation
His power transformer 10. His message of Christ

To learn more, visit this link: / intro / bibbia_parola_dio.php

Friday, August 6, 2010

Tv Tuner Philips 7130-chipset Treiber

My Way

Frank Sinatra had fully lived the American dream, "the American Dream. " He had managed to be a self-sufficient and able to face any obstacles, the 'cowboys' able to ride a winner for life. Frank Sinatra, at the end of his life, when he pulled the curtain for the last time and facing the prospect of death, he wrote this song, as his memorial and testament: "My way" - "my way".

And now the end is near
And so I face the final curtain
My friend, I'll say it clearly
I tell you what is my situation, which I am sure

lived a full life I have traveled on all roads But more
. Much of this
I did it my way

Regrets, I've had someone
But again, too few to mention
I did what I had to do
I saw it through without exemption I planned each charted course

Each careful step along the road
But more, much more than that
I did it my way

Yes, there have been times, I'm sure you knew
I swallowed more than he could chew
(= I made the longest stride of leg)
But through it all, when there was doubt I ate and then spit

I faced it all and I was standing I did

my way I've loved, I laughed and cried
I had my fill, my share of defeats
So, while the tears stop, I find it all very funny

To think I did all this;
And if I may say so, not understated
"No, oh no I - I did it my way"

What a man, what's the matter?
If not himself, then he has nothing
To say the things he truly feels And not the words
one who kneels The record shows I took
And I did it my way.

(translation by Poul Finch)

Honestly, what a relief to know that we must save our way, we should not live our way to try to be happy, we should not get by as possible to please God in our way. As Christians, we follow the example of Christ who, in the most crucial time of his life, he chose not "his own way - away - will but the will of the Father. Jesus, the Creator and Ruler of the universe, He who must not kneel before anyone, has allowed people to betray him, insult him, spit in his face, brutally tortured and finally killed him because his desire was to do the Father's will. Thank God, is risen and is the living Lord and Savior. If we choose our

way to fail miserably to live or die, leaving behind us a memorial sad and dejected. If we choose the will of God in every area of \u200b\u200bour lives we reach the heavenly goal really. Jesus gave us an example to follow: our motto will be, as it was for Jesus, "Not my will but Thy will be done"? I hope so!

Sunday, July 25, 2010

Say Congrats On Anniversary

Hancock and the "Carnazza"

you place waiting for my next trip to Scotland, linking some videos I shot at the regular BBQ Bubba home, threw up on his birthday.
I apologize in advance for any poor quality video but are not very practical (not for long) in the use of my camera!
E 'to notice without a doubt the amount of food (beyond that of Alcohol) that animated the evening and video description of Moli, left this morning for the States.

you again on my return from Scotland!

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Adapter Televid 77 Dslr

The first post (hopefully) a long series!

Hello all!
First of all I introduce myself: My name is Nicholas, I am a bank / volleyball / nerd about 23 years with a lot of passion and a lot of will to live.
Several times I felt the need to carve out a minute space on the Internet, where I could leave something of mine and that could interest a bit at all, but all ideas have always been found in contrast to the lack of free time available to me ...
They need something more than perfunctory but at the same time, should prove so "with their feet" and that still would leave a beautiful memory to those who ritroverrano to go from here ....
And what's more immediate tell the emotions and situations shots daily and / or holiday? Very little really.
As I think, on the other hand, that there is nothing more beautiful and interesting than some nice video!
argue strongly that represent two multimedia solutions to entertain people like me who, for various reasons, not time to read long pages of post, no doubt interesting, after a long workday ...

Just because I love the immediacy will not here to tell you anything more, probably will post a small "log book" (every day) of my upcoming tour of Scotland ...

In the meantime you can enjoy some albums (in the slideshow at the bottom of blog) for the spin of the Year last year.
Clicking on them will enter in my Picasa Web and you can also see the other parts of the trip!

you soon!

A special thanks goes to Google for the San interaction between the services it offers fantastic!

Monday, February 1, 2010

Any Drink Taken Regularly

name Shekinah of Jewish origin, has a meaning of great intensity. Shekinah is the presence of God in the Temple, the fullness of the divinity of participation in the life of man. For the Jewish religion this term translates effectively force its unifying power. Shekinah is linked intrinsically to the action of the Holy Spirit is there to guide man's steps and moves. The name and click accept shekinah is challenging. Everyone is called to be the Shekinah of God in human life, in human history. As an ancient text says: we are the arms, hands and feet of God Express a presence that has flavor, lights, combine the hopes of people around to hope: the Risen Jesus.

Friday, January 22, 2010

Concrete Story Floor Thickness




Dear brothers and sisters and friends in peace sir
I take this opportunity to thank all those who purchase our cd on behalf of the entire choral mez. Why
well as help save souls you encouraged us to continue our journey to Christ, from the group shekinah a warm thank you.

If you open it in the bible acts 13:1
The verse tells us that you have read some of the disciples were together, they were united and were worshiping the Lord and fasting
The word brings three very important points: UNITA '- WORSHIP - FAST
' s sad to think that you have today (last day) these elements so precious to our churches fail am talking about joining the real honest, I speak of Worship, the personal and speak of fasting not only flesh but also the spiritual fasting fasting body soul and spirit god help us to hold fast in our look at our listening to our lets talk about the interdiction to leave the offense leaves the forbidden.
The Holy Spirit said, Set apart for me Barnabas and Saul, is the message that God has placed in my heart this is the message that the Holy Spirit sends to his church, put aside for the work to which I have called you, God has a work and has a plan for everyone.

God has a plan for you, put on by appartarsi means holiness, consecration, surrender, just so the remotest God's plan for us all.

God bless us.

Elvis Trebino


- ELVIS (Head)
- GHINGALI (Singer)
- Luciano (singer and arranger)
- ELENA (Singer)
- LUCY (Singer)