Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Sharingan Eye Contacts Screensaver

few days ago I received a sweet letter from a friend that I no longer see so many years. Ci'eravamo lost sight until I was "caught" on a social network and we re-established contacts. Her name is Rosie and she lives in America, but for many years lived in Perugia and it's always valuable to us. We took care of her and her family for a while, 'but did not know how things were abdando in America ... now we know that God is taking care of this precious sister faithfully. Let me share with you this letter because, encouraged me and I think that might encourage you too. If we are faithful to God, nothing of what we do for Him, will never be wasted. Good reading.
Hello Maria Luisa!
a little thing I wanted to share with you (...) a few months ago, I read in Psalm 78:41 that the people began Jew "on groped God, and provoke the Holy One of Israel "in the King James Version (a version of the Bible in English) is used the phrase" LIMITED the Holy One of Israel. "When I read these words, I was surprised for a moment Then I started thinking and came suddenly this thought: If we always complain about what happens to us (like the people in the desert), if we do not trust the plan God has for us when we do not understand, - demonstrating a lack of faith - if we do not obey, if we do not grow unless we separate ourselves from the world, then we limit ourselves to the hand of God will not bless us, get that we remain in sin.

After thinking all this, I started to cry because it is as if God had wanted me to know that I want so much but that's me with my sin, I tie his hands, while he just wants to show me his blessings and his gifts. The blessings are directly proportional to our obedience. In Isaiah 59:1-2 we read this:

" Behold, the Lord's hand is not shortened to save, nor his ear too hard to hear, but your iniquities have separated you from your God, and your sins have hidden His face from you, He will not listen. "

I remember one time, Fred (the pastor of the Evangelical Baptist Center of Perugia), said that if we were not seeing fruit in our lives, we should have to ask what we were doing, we should watch our actions. Even if we obey, it is true that God will answer our prayers always, in the way we want, but surely the blessings will come, because God will stay close to us, if we keep close to Him

I just wanted to tell you this, it is amazing how God protects His Word into every language and finds a way to communicate the important things so personal?

Thanks Rosi, a hug from all of the CEB Perugia.


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