Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Wedding Rsvp Pay For Own Meal Wording

sweet letter O as Pride ... Or like "Oh mom, how silly!"

"Lord, my heart is not proud and my eyes are not haughty; not aspire to things that are too big and too high for me.
Truly my soul is calm and quiet.
As a child weaned on his mother's womb, so it is quiet in me my soul.
O Israel, hope in the Lord, now and forever. "
(Psalm 131 - Song of degrees - to David)
A young Italian man went to Chicago for a week holiday, then took a room at the Hotel Sherman. His English was not great, but somehow managed to get by in those first hours on U.S. soil. After his room, he decided to take a walk. Turn you turn around, eventually lost. Unfortunately he did not remember the name of the street where the hotel was not even the appearance of the hotel itself. He was ashamed of his little English and at the same time he was sure that if you would manage alone, without help from anyone. He arrived in the evening with no result, then the young man decided to take another room in another hotel. The day after the search resumed, still insist not to ask or some help from some passing police officer, also because he was afraid to look bad with his little English. He tried unsuccessfully for five consecutive days the hotel where he had left all his luggage, but to no avail. Near the end of his vacation, he finally decided to go to a police patrol. The police obviously had no trouble finding your hotel. Indeed, kindly accompanied him there. When the youth arrived at the Hotel Sherman, where he had recorded on his arrival, he discovered to his great raccappriccio that it was not far from the Hotel Astor, where he stayed for 4 nights without his personal effects. The pride had prevented him from enjoying the much-coveted holiday causing him to lose time, money and joy.

No one should be so proud as not to recognize that they need help or more instructions on a job or an important decision. No one should let your pride prevent him from asking God for help and admit you were wrong. There is no shame not to be perfect ... all of us, if we rest in God, we are "your work in progress."

Remember the infamous Pride kicked Lucifer out of heaven, the weak and disobedient Adam from Paradise, The haughty Saul his kingdom, the arrogant Nebuchadnezzar off from society for a long period, from the arrogant Haman the court of King Ahasuerus, and led him to death. Do not let pride make you his prey!


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