Monday, November 1, 2010

Basketball Christmas Wrapping Paper

you're warming up to the fire of the enemy?

Peter followed at a distance, until they reached the courtyard of the high priest, and entered, sitting down with the guards, to see how the story would end. Matthew 26:58

A series of wrong choices have led Peter to deny Christ. The first of these was having too much confidence in himself, the second was to follow Christ from afar. Finally, the third was wrong the wrong people attend.

In Luke 22:55 we find Peter as he warms up by the fire in the courtyard of the high priest Caiaphas, who stood trial with the intention of condemning Jesus, we call this "enemy fire" . At this point Peter was tired, frustrated, discouraged, confused and weak, to describe his situation with a word you could say that was vulnerable, then the \\ 'last place where Peter was supposed to be was right next to the fire of the enemy, surrounded by people who are not believers, rabid and ready to kill her beloved Master.

The Gospel of Matthew tells us that Peter sat with the servants to follow the order of events. She was already resigned to the fate of Jesus? He felt helpless in front of that situation? The only thing to do was sit there and really be scared and resigned to wait? Certainly Peter was in the wrong place with the wrong people at the wrong time, with feeling bad and about to do the wrong thing.

What's going on now about us? We think we are so strong and tough to be able to influence others? Or we feel weak and scared, vulnerable to "enemy fire"? With whom we spend our time when we need security, encouragement and direction? Where is our beloved master? The Winner and feel able to overwhelm opponents with his love?
Psalm 1 reminds us "Blessed is the man who walks not in the counsel of the ungodly, nor standeth in that way of sinners, nor sitteth in the seat of the scornful but his delight is in the law of the Lord and on his law he meditates day and night. " Note the progression of words in the Psalm: first c \\ 's walk, then there \\' s stop and then there's the seating.

When we fall into sin, or in a state of great prostration, we do not suddenly, from night and day. It is the result of a series of steps and wrong choices that ultimately will lead us to be with the wrong people, in the wrong place at the wrong times and that, consequently, we will do the wrong things, sooner or later that is.

What happened then to Peter? We all know: he denied him three times with oaths and curses, to know how Jesus reacted to Jesus? "And the Lord turned and looked at Peter and Peter (...) went out and wept bitterly? (Luke 22:61.62) Remember, no matter how many times you have denied the Lord, with Him there is always room for repentance and forgiveness!


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