Monday, November 15, 2010

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In the middle of the storm you'll never be alone!

We know how things go. Everything feels right, no problem on the horizon, no conflict, nothing to complain about ... There has never happened? I really think so. There are periods of calm, which does not seem true that there is peace all around us ... until out of nowhere, comes the storm. Maybe it's a financial crisis, a disease or something else that breaks overwhelmingly in your peace.
What do you do when the storm violently overwhelms you and your boat begins to sink?

While the apostle Paul traveled to Rome, a powerful storm unleashed by investing the boat on which he was with other passengers. Paul is not alarmed and did not panic, remained calm and even managed to encourage fellow travelers. He told them: "But now I urge you to be of good cheer, for there will be no loss of life for you, but only of the ship. As an angel of God to which I belong, and whom I serve, I appeared tonight " (Acts 27:22-23)
How did Paul have such certainty?

Paul was aware of the presence of God in his life. He knew that God was with him on the boat, in the midst of danger and who was also in control of the storm.

God is present in your life? is your Lord and Master? You're serving it daily in your work, family and everything you do? Then be assured that it will always be with you wherever you are and in whatever circumstances you find yourself. Will know that everything you need, when you need it.

God is with you now, no matter what kind of storm you are facing. Maybe not you hear a voice from heaven, you'll see an angel in a dream, but you can certainly hear his sweet voice and delicate, from the depths of your heart says "But now thus saith the Lord thy Creator, who formed you! Fear not, for I have redeemed you I have called you by name, you are mine! When you pass through the waters, I will be with you through the rivers, they shall not overflow thee: when you walk into the fire will not be burnt and the flame shall not consume you, because I AM the LORD thy God, the Holy, your SALVATORE; Because you are precious in my eyes, you are respected and I love you! "

This was the God of Paul is my ... .. God is your God?
If it is, too You can reassure others that it is really in control of everything. You will feel calm and peaceful in the midst of danger and uncertainty, because you can be sure of the presence of God in you, with you, around you. If your employer were communicated: "I'm sorry, but I must resign, or if your doctor told you:" The test results are not good you would know ...", that God is still in control of your life.

Remember that you are not and will never be alone! The Lord is near and is interested in your circumstances.
Jesus has promised "I'll be with you until the end of the age" (Matthew 28:20)


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