Thursday, July 22, 2010

Adapter Televid 77 Dslr

The first post (hopefully) a long series!

Hello all!
First of all I introduce myself: My name is Nicholas, I am a bank / volleyball / nerd about 23 years with a lot of passion and a lot of will to live.
Several times I felt the need to carve out a minute space on the Internet, where I could leave something of mine and that could interest a bit at all, but all ideas have always been found in contrast to the lack of free time available to me ...
They need something more than perfunctory but at the same time, should prove so "with their feet" and that still would leave a beautiful memory to those who ritroverrano to go from here ....
And what's more immediate tell the emotions and situations shots daily and / or holiday? Very little really.
As I think, on the other hand, that there is nothing more beautiful and interesting than some nice video!
argue strongly that represent two multimedia solutions to entertain people like me who, for various reasons, not time to read long pages of post, no doubt interesting, after a long workday ...

Just because I love the immediacy will not here to tell you anything more, probably will post a small "log book" (every day) of my upcoming tour of Scotland ...

In the meantime you can enjoy some albums (in the slideshow at the bottom of blog) for the spin of the Year last year.
Clicking on them will enter in my Picasa Web and you can also see the other parts of the trip!

you soon!

A special thanks goes to Google for the San interaction between the services it offers fantastic!


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