Saturday, October 2, 2010

Yas Emergency Contraception

my will but thy will be done!

ancient hymn This is a beautiful prayer. Of course, it is not easy to pray in this way, but I think it is the highest expression of love and trust in our God and Heavenly Father. Jesus in the garden of Gethsemane, prayed something like this when she was saddened by a deadly sadness. His prayer and his feelings were so intense that large drops of blood running down his face. Those moments were so crucial to him that Heavenly Father sent an angel to comfort him and support him. Finally, Jesus could say: "Not my will but yours be done!"

May the Lord help us to make our thoughts of this song, with deep peace and joy, with peace of mind knowing that God always wants the best for us!

Your path, not mine, Lord, is so dark!
Guide me with your hand, you choose the path for me.
Whether smooth or difficult, will also be the best;
curvy, or straight, take me in your presence.

I dare not choose the one that falls to me, even if I could do it;
Choose for me, my God, for me to walk straight.
The kingdom that I seek is yours,
That the path I walk is yours, otherwise I smarrirò.

Get my cup and fill it with joy or sorrow,
do you think better, you choose the good for me and my problems. Choose
for me my friends, my sickness or my health;
choose me for my problems, to my poverty and my wealth.

is not mine, not my choice, in everything, big or small;
Be thou my guide, my strength, my wisdom, my everything.

Horatius Bonar (1808-89)


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