Saturday, September 25, 2010

Scabs In One Side Of Nostril

I am with you always, always, until the end

"And surely I am with you always, until the end of the age" Matthew 28:20

  • I am close to you - Do not doubt my presence even for one minute.
  • I am the true God and true - Trust in the word I gave you, will keep it forever, this is my tribute!
  • I am close to you - I'll take care of you. I'll be with you wherever you go, because I love you, I have always loved me and not fear the unknown.

  • I am close to you - there will never be the place, time, second of your life in which I will not be next to you.
  • I am the same yesterday, today and forever - I want your friendship, I like to listen to and it is my pleasure to speak with you.
  • I am close to you - because this is the place where I want to be, I conquered, I bought it and I stole for you.

  • I am close to you - now, tomorrow, for eternity.
  • I am the God of love - am the Way, Life, Truth.
  • I will be next - in joy and in sorrow, in your daily routine and in adversity.

  • I am close to you - you will cross with the darkest moments of your life, wipe your tears.
  • I am your Good Shepherd - will accompany you in the deeper valleys and higher peaks.
  • I am the one who really understands you - Fear not, fear not, will never leave you alone, trust me.

  • I am close to you - you live really tough and difficult moments, you'll understand why I've lived too, all your joys are mine, all your pain will bring them to you.
  • I am close to you - in your youth, in your old age, in your busy times and even when resting.
  • I will be with you - in your travels and falls in your home when you wake up and when you lie down.

    And you? Will keep you tight to me?


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