Monday, October 25, 2010

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What God knows you

You count the steps of my wanderings; collect my tears yours may not register in your book? - Psalm 56:8

Today scientists tell us that we do not forget anything. Estimate that our brains out over the life, is capable of storing a trillion bits of information. Unbelievable is not it? If I think to myself, however, I have some trouble believing, since I'm a guy who forgets a lot of things, especially the keys. I often say, "If I had the head attached to the neck, just forget it somewhere as well." But sometimes just a particular scent or a scene from a movie bring to mind situations or people that I thought I had forgotten years old ... things that have remained somewhere in my memory and I thought I had removed.

God remembers everything - always. There are lapses in his memory. Never forgets anyone, God is omniscient, which means that he knows everything. The knowledge of God is eternal, just as He knows now what God has always known and will forever. God does not learn new things, He knows from the beginning, and do not forget things or people as we do. We learn new things, but God already knows everything from eternity.

The Bible tells us that He is aware of every known bird falls to the ground and that even our hair are counted one by one (Matthew 10:30). Well, it does not take much to have my hair :-) dopottutto ... maybe your head count will be more challenging ;-)

The amazing thing is that the majestic God, Almighty Creator of the universe is interested in us , you and me, in a precise and detailed! What makes us feel bad? What worries you? What do you proxy anxiety and headaches? What makes tears fall from your eyes? All these things are known to God and are important to God So whatever you're facing now, he knows everything. It is conscious of the mistakes made in a modern way, the problems of politics or economics, nothing gets by surprise. God knows the end of all things from the beginning. This all-knowing God loves you, loves me so much that wants to have with us an intimate friendship, he wants to talk to us in a simple and profound, he loves us to the point of sacrificing their lives for us.

you not enough? I certainly do not come And that's why I can deal with every day, all that will bring joy or tears, peace and the assurance that God knows everything about this day from all eternity!


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