Monday, August 23, 2010

Altair And Ezio's Hidden Blade

God, speaking of statues made of wood, marble or other worship materials from people, described as follows: "They have ears and hear not, they do not smell and nose, hands and have not touched, feet and do not walk, their throat is no sound. " Psalm 115:6-7

naturally tend to associate with the jealous pettiness and selfishness, we consider it a defect and not a virtue. But when he revealed to his people, called himself a jealous God, of course, this type of jealousy is not what we refer to regularly. Through the Scriptures we see that God is not only a jealous God, but God also zealous in his love for us and He wants you and I are alike zealous in our love for Him God loves us and wants an exclusive relationship, intimate, personal with us. Rightly, is not satisfied with the crumbs of our time or our affection.

God told his people: "Do not bow down to them (the statues and idols), nor serve them: for I the Lord thy God am a jealous God ..." (Exodus 20 : 5)

When the Israelites did and adored the golden calf while Moses was on Mount Sinai, defended themselves by saying that it was just "a celebration of the Lord" (Exodus 32:5). Nowadays you do not build golden calves but images of men and women that are real or fictitious, and, perhaps, there is justified the same way: "is just a celebration in honor of the Lord" ... Call it what you want, but the reality is that yesterday and today is just beautiful and good idolatry. A person who truly knows God, who has experienced the new birth and living in communion with Him through the sacrifice of Jesus Christ, should not need a picture to pray or worship God When a person feels that they need d ' images to worship, to focus on God or for "worship" a person there is something deeply wrong and unbiblical. And this is a serious problem, should not be underestimated.

Jesus said to a woman who was looking for answers to their spiritual needs: "The hour is coming, indeed has already come, when the true worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and in truth: for the Father seeks to worship him. God is spirit, and those who worship him, must worship him in spirit and in truth. " The woman said: "I know that the Messiah (who is called Christ) must come, and when he comes, we will announce everything." Jesus said: "It is I, I who speak to you! "


= Spirit we can not define or outline images resulting from our imagination, God is the invisible man would never have known the invisible God, if God had not revealed through Scripture and of Christ Jesus;
spirit of our worship to God must not merely "places of worship or particularly emotional moments, but we must start from within, from a renewed heart, afraid and consecrated to Him;

= corresponding truth and in harmony with the Scriptures and centered on the "Word made flesh - Jesus Christ (John 1: 1-2; 14:6) that reveals the Father.
're zealous for God? You're worshiping as he requires? Let's talk if you want.

the next


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