Sunday, August 15, 2010

Pokemon Doujinshi Moe Pokemon Yaoi Doujinshi?

Jealous God The Word of God

There are people who read the Bible to discuss and debate arguments. They treat the Word of God as something to continually reassess and revise it to keep pace with the times. These people, proudly, I ask, "What do you think of this Book?" Without being really interested in your point of view, their purpose is to present their objections to whatever you say. Others, however, in humble submission, read the Word of God and they wonder: "What What this book think of me? "

" We must not be satisfied at the expense of the Spirit or the Word or the Word without the Spirit. Our life has to travel along these two parallel lines, just as the train travels along parallel rails. The Word of God is the instrument used by the Spirit, and only through this dedicated connection we can feel His Divine Voice. We need to fully understand the importance of intensive study of the Bible. (FB Meyer)

"Sooner or later, then all we have to address this fundamental issue: we accept the Bible as the Word of God as the sole authority on all matters of faith and practice authentic or not? I have to ask: everything about my thoughts on every aspect of life is governed and guided by Scripture, or I approach the scriptures with my arguments and I select the particular tracks that you agree to my personal interpretation of life and the Bible itself? Who is the authority on faith: I or the Bible? The issue is crystal clear: I accept all of Scripture as the revelation of God, or I put my trust in speculation, human knowledge, in the human ability to understand the essence of man and his motives. Or, more simply, to subdue all my trust and my thoughts and what I read the Bible? Or I rely on modern knowledge, human teachings, the current thinking or what we now know through science that was unknown in the past? It is inevitable that taking sides in one direction or another. (D. Martyn Lloyd-Jones)

There are other writings that can match the Word of God, the Bible, no philosophy, wisdom and human knowledge can never match the Wisdom of the Word of God The Word of God, Bible:

Eternal - Isaiah 40:8

Liberator - John 8:31-32

Food - Jeremiah 15:16, Matthew 4:4

Reliable - Titus 1:9

solid foundation - Matthew 7:24

winning - Ephesians 6:17

fruitful - Mark 4:20

Absolutely perfect - Psalm 19:7

living and active - Hebrews 4:12

THE WORD God and Christ Jesus, God, light, life - John 1:1-3

Decide now how you want to get closer to God's Word, the Bible. Whatever is your choice, however, remember the words of Jesus Christ himself, and then act accordingly:

"Verily, verily I say unto you, whoever hears my word and believes him who sent me, has life eternal and do not come into condemnation but has passed from death to life. "John 5:24

And finally, here are 10 reasons why I believe in the Bible, the Word of God:
2 is reasonable. Its composition wonderful
3. His only complete
4. His teachings unparalleled
5. His appeal perennial
6. Its scientific accuracy
7. His prophecies fulfilled
8. His miraculous preservation
His power transformer 10. His message of Christ

To learn more, visit this link: / intro / bibbia_parola_dio.php


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