Tuesday, December 23, 2008

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As established custom, this year a date now known to all will be dedicated to the party and felt more supported by the belief and the folk tradition: December 25. On this day it is customary to remember the birth of Jesus Christ, and for the occasion, again, customs and religious-traditional folk events that give rise to "Christmas." We rediscover the values \u200b\u200band interests that are lit during the rest of the year seem to have absolutely no dormant or even considered. It is only an example but it has now become mere habit come together as a family to consume copious lunches and dinners, exchanging gifts, decorating the tree or preparing the traditional nativity scene. You play cards, bingo and, for the more "worldly" we go to dance and it is getting late in the evening.
In some cases, is it not sheer hypocrisy that must be manifested in this particular event? For example the exchange of the fateful Christmas greetings and loving hugs, kisses that perhaps never before had given or received. Is all this necessary to remember the importance of coming into the world of our Savior Jesus Christ? It is not likely a bit 'of falling into formalism? They own the frenzy of Christian morality and the air of mysticism associated with this celebration, or rather belong to paganism?

This time of year is expected by everyone, believers and nonbelievers, consumers and retailers, like it or not, all are more or less involved. But if I could linger a few moments to reflect a bit 'more about the nature and especially about the true origins of this holiday, maybe you'd be more conscious and more aware as you prepare for Christmas. You could stop to consider all the things you read in this short paper, and as I sincerely hope, decide to behave as it should those who believe in the importance of the birth of the Savior, that is, "according to the will of Christ."

The value of the Christian Christmas

First Christmas of Christians is not December 25. The Lord in His Wisdom did not want to let us know the exact day of birth of the Savior, and even the year is uncertain.

a result of new historic elements, was shown the calculation error committed by Dionysius the Little Monaco when in 525 sets the date of Christ's birth in the year 753 after the founding of Rome. But scholars are in agreement that this date should be brought forward by several years and placed around 749-48. Thus the birth of Christ would lie between 4 or 5 BC, about 750 years after the founding of Rome.

We can also deduce, and be certain that Jesus was not born in the winter because the shepherds who were warned by the angels miraculous event of the birth of the Messiah slept in the open: "Now in that same region there were shepherds lived outside the camps, and at night keeping watch over their flock "(Luke 2:8).

It was certainly not the custom of the shepherds of Israel to spend the night in the open during the winter Palestinian who is stiff enough to prevent it. It is found that many have chosen in a conventional date December 25 to commemorate the birth of the Savior. In any case, the Christian who recognizes the Word of God, the only source of truth and good for your soul, you feel free from compliance with established days, seasons and other occasions because he knows that the outward rituals of the parties superseding the spirit that originally brought them to life.

's what Jesus says about the religious traditions:

Matthew 15:3: "But he answered them: 'And you, that transgress the commandment of God by your tradition?"'
Matthew 15:6: "So have made the commandment of God by your tradition. "
Mark 7:9: "He said to them: 'As you well know set aside God's commandment to observe the tradition yours!'"

In the Bible, the only party to celebrate, with occurrences of specified, are written in the Old Testament. These holidays - such as: the Sabbath (Shabbat); Easter, the feast of Unleavened Bread, the Day of Atonement, etc.., Written in the book of Leviticus chap. 23 - for the sole purpose of presenting figuratively and prophetically the person and work of Jesus Christ, and Him only have fulfillment. Therefore, once fulfilled the work and ministry of Christ they have no value or above need to be observed.

The apostle Paul, writing in this regard to the believers in Galatia who were persuaded of the need of observing certain Jewish religious holidays, remind them that when they were in paganism: "For your ignorance of God, you were subjected to divinity, which in fact are not, but now that you know God, even to him have been known as can you turn again to the weak and beggarly elements, which once again as you wish to serve? you, in fact, observe days, months, seasons and years! I fear for you is that I labored over you in vain "(Galatians 4 :8-11, IEC).

The story that the Gospel of Luke gives us the announcement of the birth of the Savior to the shepherds of Bethlehem helps us to discover what the true spirit of Christmas and how it should be remembered the event glorious incarnation of God

Read Luke 2:8-20: In that region there were shepherds who were in the camps at night and keeping watch over their flock. And an angel of the Lord appeared to them and the glory of the Lord shone around them, and they were terrified. The angel said unto them, Fear not, for I bring you good tidings of great joy for all the people: "Today, the city of David, is born for you a Savior, who is Christ the Lord. And this will be a sign you will find an infant wrapped in swaddling clothes and lying in a manger. " And suddenly there was with the angel a multitude of the heavenly host praising God and saying: "Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace to men he likes," When the angels had gone away to heaven, the shepherds said to one another: "Let's go to Bethlehem and see what happened, and that the Lord has told us about. " They went in haste and found Mary and Joseph and the Babe lying in the manger, and saw him, disclose what they had been told of that child. And all who heard them were amazed of the things said by their pastors. Mary kept all these things in themselves, pondering in her heart. And the shepherds returned, glorifying and praising God for all they had heard and seen, as they were announced.

It is the Good News (Gospel) of great joy.

What fills you with joy these days? The thought of what you do or consideration of what God has already done for you? Maybe the emotion of a moment passed between friends, the expected meeting with a loved one, or the awareness of having received an unparalleled gift from the Lord? You know that "God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have everlasting life" (John 3:16)? What effect do you

attorney know that God came into the world as a man to be men and to save mankind from eternal death By taking on a shameful and horrible death in our place?

is an opportunity to glorify God

On Christmas Day, which will be your main occupation? Loderai the Lord and glorify him for what he has done for you and for the immense benefit that is derived by his humiliation? Or, after putting to rest your soul by fulfilling your religious duty more or less sincerely, it may be concluded to do things that you are neither helpful nor ladies, and often even offensive to God himself?

is an opportunity to testify and to grow in faith.

True Christians take advantage of every opportunity to talk to all of what their Lord has fact and grace they have received. How did the shepherds, they "disclose what they had been told about this child," and like them, built back in their faith: "And the shepherds returned, glorifying and praising God for all they had heard and seen, as they had been announced. "

If these holidays pass and leave you as you have found, if you spend this Christmas without your heart is closer to the Lord, without which your soul has been made more consistent with the perfect example of the Savior .. . then you lose your time, and the Lord himself will not like at all your devotion and traditional surface.

ancient times, through the Prophet lsaia, the Lord showed him a hypocrite for not liking the worship of His people and said, "Stop bringing useless offerings, incense, I hate him, and as for the new moons, and on Saturdays, to convene meetings, I can not stand the ' iniquity united solemn assembly. My soul hates your new moons and your feasts, I have a weight that I'm tired of wearing. When you spread out your hands, I will hide my eyes from you, even when many prayers, I do not hear: your hands are full of blood. Wash and make yourselves clean, remove before my eyes the evil of your doings, cease to do evil, learn to do good, seek justice, raise up the oppressed, do justice to ' orphan Defend the cause of the widow! "Then come and discuss," says the LORD: though your sins be as scarlet, they shall be as white as snow, though they be red like crimson, they shall be as wool "(Isaiah 1:13-18)

What are you doing this Christmas now that you know the truth? "What attitude will you use in front of others: pure and sincere or hypocritical? What are you going to celebrate? Now what do you think is more correct: conform to the common, or conformity to the will of God ?

Friday, December 5, 2008

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the Christmas time for gifts!

Time Christmas time for gifts!

Christmas is coming why not make a good book as a gift of the publisher AVE! Here are some suggested books as gifts! You will find many others on the site of the AV! Contattetemi do it without any problems ordering, however, before certainly come well Dec. 15 for Christmas! course, discounts on all titles!

Hello Mauro

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Giorgio La Pira. A San Francisco in the twentieth century

Giorgio La Pira. A San Francisco in the twentieth century
edited by: Carmelo Vigna, Elizabeth Zambruno

La Pira goes to all the message of spiritual freedom unheard of. Do not base any religious order, does not require anything specific. No particular practice, no specific vocation, no holy place. Only the call to love all people in the most radical and universal, without discrimination of any kind. For him, as for St. Francis, each place is Jerusalem, every man is his brother. The size of the figure should perhaps be measured and understood.
A portrait of the all-round personality of La Pira, a man of peace evangelical lapiriana through a reading of the Scriptures and the profile of La Pira mystical political La Pira, La Pira and Romanist La Pira Thomist.
Finally, a detailed and rigorous studies of La Pira helps us to love this master of freedom of spirit and understanding as he was above all a holy man.
Cost € 17

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And God saw that it was good - NE

And God saw that it was good - NE
by: Carlo Carretto

The "classic" by Carlo Carretto, three editions printed between April and September 1988, the result of a completed manuscript by the author in the days of the disease, saying that "the well is the first and last word, that evil is not true that affects our body and, above this double mystery of good and evil, rises the absolute of divine love "(from the preface of Louis Alice).
The publisher offers a new edition, and as noted by the prefacer read a book "has this extraordinary is never a pure and simple return to the past is a dialogue between past and present, need to take stock (.. .) to take into account road abandoned too soon. "
'... Lay people became aware of being church and realized that their faith not only drove them to acts of worship, but they undertook to carry out the Gospel message throughout the world. Everything became religious matters: home, politics, social relations, occupation, life, love. " And the author met in the final phase of his life, become ill, the testimony of a family that welcomed him with brotherly love in a spirit of genuine apostolate lay so - the dream of Carretto! - Give living witness to God's people, with their small family church.
The book closes with the proposal of six small liturgies to be celebrated individually or in the community because "nothing resists the power of prayer."
Cost € 10

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There is still the laity?

There yet the laity?
to: Paola Bignardi

The work won the 2007 San Michele Capri.
A great love for the Church and a keen sense of history accompanying the narration of a story inside the Church lived. With freedom and courage the author attempts to give voice to the many stories of lay Christians who have lived the last forty years by the council as an amazing adventure full of desires, intuitions, losses.
But today those who are lay Christians that the Church entrusts the task to express authoritative opinions on the issues that challenge the conscience of all?
careful analysis, motivated and proactive, reflecting the search for ways for new subjectivity that can read some of the laity council coordinates: spirituality, communion, communication and above all responsibility.

cost € 7.50

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Dining with God

Dining with God
to: Gianni Di Santo

Preface Erri De Luca

journey into memory when the smell of cooking was with us for the rest of the day, but also anthropological trip in the true sense of the word "food" and found that heaven and earth often go together.
Pages intense and light that create a practice of conviviality and hope, knowing that cook well in advance is to say "I love you."
A deep human prayer and Christian told with Enzo Bianchi, Giancarlo Bruni, Paolo Rumiz, Predrag Matvejevic, Rubem Alves, Carlo Petrini, part prayer that the bread and wine into the pot and into the glass and the inevitable dream of a God smiling.

Cost € 10

Friday, November 21, 2008

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BAPTISMS ROME! Sunday, November 9, 2008

"We celebrate the baptism by immersion in water, in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit to those who profess their faith in the Lord Jesus Christ as their personal Savior" (Matthew 28:18, 19 , Acts 2:38, 8:12).

Sunday, November 9th we still had five baptisms in water, the brothers JODI, SIMON, REY and sisters Jade and Anna.
E 'was a meeting where the Lord Jesus was once again present with His blessing and His goodness, we sang, told new experiences, and heard the precious Word of God, which was administered with great joy and preached by brother "Face" that came to visit us from Tuscany.

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

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Everything is ready for the new album - PREPARED TO WORSHIP "Journey to Christ Vol.2". Once again we thank God for this album contains some songs of praise to God who manifests profound yet his immense love for us and gives us grace to sing for him
We want to make our most sincere thanks also to " Maurizio "of Live Music in Porto Potenza, to mix the album, and the quality of this excellent product. The
is scheduled for release on 08/12/2008

May God Bless you.

Friday, November 14, 2008

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NEW OFFICE IN PIACENZA 21-22-23 November 2008

The new home of the ADI - MEZ:
will be in San Pietro in Cerro (PC) Via Villanova No. 12. Currently the ADI-
MEZ Life & Light and the newspaper in Turin, Via G. D'Annunzio No. 21. Transfer to San Pietro in Cerro (PIACENZA) on 21-22-23 November 2008
's inauguration of the Bible school: one that will gather the Sinti in the meetings for a real work of spiritual renewal and social thanks to God and all those who have contributed to the work of Jesus Christ the Savior the world. A big thanks to God for how He loves us and gives us his immense blessing.

Thursday, October 30, 2008

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A What brings the technology?

The Bible or the phone?

Can you imagine what would happen if we treat the Bible in the way we treat our cell phone?
... if we carry the Bible in our 24 hours, in her purse, hanging from the belt, or in the pocket of our jacket?
... if we gave a glance many times in our day?
... if retrace our steps to look after having forgotten home or office?
... if you use it to send messages to our friends?
... if treated as if they could not live without her?
... if your giving to our children to be always in touch with them?
... If the door with us on the road, where we need help?
... if we open immediately in an emergency?

Contrary to cell phones, the Bible has always 'field'. We can connect and be in touch with God, anywhere (even in the mountains or at sea).
We do not have to worry about the lack of credit, because Jesus has already paid for always charging, and credits are unlimited.
Even better: the communication is never interrupted, and the battery is charged for a lifetime.


- If you're sad, dial * 14 John
* - If the people murmured against you, dial * *
Psalm 27 - If you are nervous or stressed , dial * * Psalm 51 (CEI, Psalm 50)
- If you are anxious, dial * *
Matthew 6:19-24 - Are you in danger, dial * * Psalm 63 (CEI, Psalm 62 )
- If your faith needs to be fortified, dial * *
Hebrews 11 - If you feel lonely and afraid, dial *
Psalm 22 * \u200b\u200b- If you are tough and critical, dial * 1 Corinthians 13 *
- To know the secret of happiness, dial * *
Colossians 3:12-17 - If you're feeling sad and lonely, compose * *
Romans 8:31-39 - If you want peace and rest, dial * *
Matthew 11:25-30 - If you think the world greater than God, Psalm 90 dial * * (CEI, Psalm 89)

Write down these numbers in your address book (perhaps that of your cell phone!).
Maybe if you do use it will be important in a few moments of your life!
There are times when it is better to have a biblical number to be dialed (for find God's help) that have a phone number to dial (to find the help of a man)!

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personally thank Mauro for his readiness for such a service useful for all our diocesan association.
AC We are called to be informed, prepared and I will also curious about everything around us and we can only understand and investigate evidence of a strong faith and we have an opportunity in matura.Ora più.Buon work, Mauro.
A warm fraternal greetings.

Advent and Christmas 2008

seguto Those found to have an accompanying personal daily Advent and Christmas 2008

not hesitate to contact me to order them, DISCOUNTS on all titles!

Hello Mauro

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Domenico Sigalini

God never abandons us
Meditations for Advent

God never abandons us. It is not obvious statement for the life of modern man. Often passes the idea of \u200b\u200ba distant God, a God who does not care about human life. The new book by Domenico Sigalini is precisely in the direction to reproduce with certainty the effect of God's love for humanity. The title says it clear and indicative that the Christians, strong encounter with the Lord who comes, is asked to shout over the rooftops, is asked to make everyone. Following day after day the songs of the Gospel of days of Advent (and the Christmas Novena), the author offers a course of particular interest existential and spiritual, a journey of faith for a more lively and effective Christian witness in the places of everyday life.

cost € 6, oo

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Italian Catholic Action

Prayer for Juniors and Young.
Advent and Christmas 2008

In a world that tries to reduce the cycle time to a repetitive and boring us to discover the Church each year, the time of salvation in which God continues to visit his people.
So this grant helps to find the Advent and Christmas as a time of expectation and joy that Emmanuel, God with us, speaks to the heart of each and every day makes it different and an occasion of grace.
The dossier, the vibrant graphics and simple, has a very simple structure: for each day of the week is suggested a verse taken from the gospel of the day, accompanied by a brief reflection, the result of the educational experience of priests and teachers, which helps to translate the Word of God in daily life, followed by a prayer and the suggestion of a small concrete commitment.

cost € 3.50

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Boys' Catholic Action
The new subsidy for Advent and Christmas 2008 for children aged 12 to 14 years.
Advent and Christmas 2008
and St. Joseph, the father of Jesus, to bring all the boys to be led by him the path of the Advent and Christmas, to hear the wonderful things that God wants to tell us.
The parables that Jesus told his disciples to show the way forward.
Everything else ... is to discover the new subsidy for Advent and Christmas 2008!
cost € 3.50

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Boys' Catholic Action


Personal guidance and daily prayer for children aged 6 to 11 years.
Advent and Christmas 2008

's not certain all day to be accompanied by S. Joseph in a fantastic journey along every day of Advent, which precede the birth of the Lord ... Still, it's just what happens between the pages of all you seek, the new subsidy for Advent Children 6 to 11 years.
S. Joseph, through his example of life, unique and special, will help all children who wish to accept in their heart that Jesus was born in our world. And as a carpenter, will give them instructions for building a fantastic cradle to host their great friend Jesus

cost € 3.50

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Among the new figures that support responsible the promotion of AC and its instruments is certainly that dell'Incaricato AVE diocesan, who, in a national network, serves as a reference point to know the tools and the publishing journals of the Association for parish leaders.
have always books and subsidies - published by the Association through the ' Editrice AVE - and the press association contribute to the training of managers and shareholders and their cultural and missionary. Therefore, in a time frame for thinking about training, the role dell'Incaricato AVE becomes important in the diocese, if entered into a dynamic design to serve the training of local leaders and in support of their position in the care of members. Not so much (or more), therefore, a seller or an aide to the Secretary, but rather a manager who knows how to take care of all of the association, as dictated by the training project of the AC. The site
AC Ascoli Piceno has a section devoted to the texts and journals of AC . In it, besides the presentation of the publishing of AC, there are ideas and projects to promote such instruments in dioceses and parishes, diocesan form by the AVE (area-internal promotion association), which in this way it uses space on the web to expand its proposal. MAURO


Monday, February 25, 2008

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How did The Lord of the pitfalls ?
Before discussing the novel, a brief summary of the context in which it was born: the Harvard Lampoon is a college fraternity founded in 1876 in the homonymous university, and is involved from its very origins of humor. In the 60 starts to be interested in the genre of parody, following the theory that you can use a commercial phenomenon without getting entangled in the maze of copyright, making it a comic or satirical version (so much so that in the introduction states that the two writers, when began the work, first you get a copy of the legislation on international crimes press).
Bored of the Rings not born as a tribute to the work of Professor T. disinterested, but as a way to make some 'easy money to put back in the sixth then critical financial situation of the Harvard Lampoon. Written by Henry N. Beard and Douglas C. Kenney during the winter of 1968 and published in the U.S. in the spring of 1969, The Lord of the cross he (henceforth ISDT ) almost immediately became a cult selling over two million copies, but failed to go beyond national borders. This happened a few decades later, when the first chapter of Peter Jackson's movie trilogy made upsurge around the world Tolkien mania with everything that entails, including parodies. And here also ISDT back in the limelight and began to circle the world in 2001 is published for the first time in Britain, where he climbed all the charts and has eight reprints in a few months. The following year it was the turn of France, where he recorded an equally remarkable success, and then Italy: arrive in bookstores in November 2002 to work Fanucci Editore, and after a month is already being reprinted. Currently in our country ISDT is now in its fourth edition.

Dildo Babbins, the owner of the ring, is organizing a party for all the inhabitants of Cloaca, the country of sghorbit, and during the preparations Gondolfo the magician arrives to inform him that the ring had stolen years prior to invaluable Pollum is the ring of Salmon, the dark lord who now wants back ... After the party, where you sghorbit strafogano in an animal in , Dildo entrusted the ring to his nephew broth, driven (or forced?) It is in Great Vagina done to destroy the mountain in the flames. Is accompanied by his undertaking (in) Spam and faithful servant twins Mexy Belzebuck and Pepsi, but the road will also help other people, including balengo lobster, talcum powder warrior, a dwarf and deformed Girmi ' Lerciolas ambiguous elf.

As Peter Jackson said in an interview on the funny side of Tolkien, it is not hard to do satire on a subject such as The Lord of the Rings where prevalent types in tights, trees that talk, elves from sexuality ambiguous, midgets fighting a giant eyeball and a number of situations, however, easily ridiculed, as the fact that powerful sorcerers and wise people sent a poor inexperienced to throw the ring into a volcano close to the absolute master of evil. By reading the summary above - or if you have read the book, of course - you'll notice what kind of comedy is: quite simple and often vulgar, as easy enough to tear a smile to the reader. The comic elements on which the writers have insisted particularly are fairly intuitive: the distortion of the positive nature of the characters, who lose all their good qualities to be crooks, cowards, far from being selfless and loyal to their mates, as well as bad , physically deformed and dressed in bad taste (they are not spared even the antagonists, reduced to the poor idiots), the contamination of a vaguely medieval world with more or less modern elements, such as heaters, hamburgers, sneakers, modern explosives and drugs of various kinds (of course all the technology at stake is pulled firm to the sixties, the period in which was written or the book), the ridicule of chivalry and courtly which is full of the original (just think the way he greets Girmi Soup: "may the and your hemorrhoids shrink without surgery "), a linguistic reworking of the names of characters and locations, among other things beautifully made and adapted in Italian translation by the Collective Self Rumente and finally mention some elements of classical language and history of Anglo-Saxon literary tradition, such as epic poem Beowulf. All followed a pattern that does not differ particularly from the original, at least initially, because subsequent events the Fellowship of the Ring have been selected much more, and occupy half of the book.

But we must not forget that Douglas Kenney and have made this parody, first of all to line their own pockets, and thus was not in their interest to create a work of satire that made intelligent, the very nature of the Harvard Lampoon goliardic this entailed. So much so that Tolkien himself read this book, and claimed he did not understand the irony of the text. But probably there was no irony to understand, it was decided to parody ISDA not to highlight his weak arguments (those mentioned at the beginning of this comment, that the various exaggerations), but for its success commercial. It is therefore a poor work destined for the recycling of paper making up? This is the opinion of the Tolkien purists (take a trip to the net and read the comments in ISDT : "Woe to those who TOUCHES TOLKIEN", "those who dared to desecrate the Lord of the Rings!?", "AL ROGO "," SCANDAL! "), but personally I think that it is not so bad, this book, despite all the criticism was the first attempt to satirize the work of Tolkien, and has had great success in the era U.S., as here in Europe when he arrived in 2001, and also there will be a reason. There are even those who have repented for having bought it, and I must say that I was one of those at the first reading of the book, because frankly I expected better. This probably happened because at first glance looked like a mere vulgar distortion in the original, but going on to read the story increasingly acquired its own autonomy, and I began to read it for himself, and not constantly comparing it with Tolkien books and films. For a second reading then I have had no discards, and I liked the most. But leaving aside my personal opinions, it must be said however that some of the authors found, though rare in the text, are really fun. In conclusion, what can we say? Well, certainly if you're a purist or are not Tolkien sympathetic in dealing with some of the parodies' bold as this can do even less to read ISDT , but if you're willing to make some easy laughter, seeing as it was a parody in the sixties or simply can not read the Lord of the Rings be too long or however you want to read a bit 'alternative then you should get it and read it.

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A bit 'of sites which puts to shame the world of Lord of the Rings in different ways, more or less fun, and other sites related to the world of Lord of the pitfalls .

not sarcasm absolutely miss this hilarious site dedicated to humor, which brings a flood of images, texts and films inspired by the universe created by Tolkien, sometimes paying tribute, sometimes ridendoci above.

The Creator of this site has re-created with Lego ® bricks legendary characters, places and chapters of The Lord of the Rings! Mammoth undertaking, and succeeded really well ... not to be missed!

A nice site in English on Bored of the Rings. It contains several extracts from the book, so this is an interesting resource for those who wish to experience this work in its original with all their names mangled, quotes, word games in English.

This site has recovered and made available to all share a true rarity: a video game inspired by Bored of the Rings! Released in 1985 for Commodore 64 and other platforms at the time, it is an adventure media that is not based on the work of the Lampoon, but which is based very loosely. The game is free to download in three different versions, but you need a special emulator for it to work.

During the making of the trilogy by Peter Jackson, this site has collected all the rumors on all three films. Scattered throughout the site you can find many pages dedicated to humor contributors. Cute, even if it is a bit 'tricky to navigate.

A special online version of the Corriere della Sera devoted entirely to parodies of the most famous movement to read, to look at and navigate.

The Harvard Lampoon
official website of the magazine. The history, products, and other updates on activities and publications. Another site that might be of interest to someone is the National Lampoon, the establishment of American satire created by Henry N. Beard and Douglas C. Kenney, author of The Lord of the trap.

Sghorbit The official website of the author. Informed about the latest activities of the science fiction writer.

website publishing house in Italy the number of traps.

A couple of sites that allow you, once you enter your name and surname, if we were to have the consideration of the hobbits and elves.

Praga Mapa Zabytków


Traps The series is not the only parody of Tolkien's work in circulation. In fact, after the release of the film trilogy by Peter Jackson began to proliferate a number of reinterpretations of The Lord of the Rings and all that he can relate in some way: comics, parodies on-line, etc. ridoppiaggi. In this section, I pointed out the most popular.

The Lord of the pitfalls: the two nougat

Coinciding with the arrival of cinema in Italy The Return of the King was released in a special newsstand magazine Ciak, entitled Behind the scenes of great movies: all the secrets of the Ring . This is obviously a booklet dedicated to the trilogy by Peter Jackson, and inside, between the various departments, we came across some pages in comics made by the British magazine of satire Mad that made fun of the second film in the series, The Two Towers . The title is The Lord of the catch: The Two Torroni (Bored of the Rings: The Two + Hours) , and in addition to the title the names of all the characters (except Gollum, here called Goulash) are taken from the parody of 'Harvard Lampoon, but the joke is directed to the film: we see so caricatured players, and each vignette of history mocks the weak points of the film, including Frodo's eyes constantly shelled, the implausibility and inconsistency of certain scenes, features some of the marketing of the actors and film (at one point in the history of the protagonists consult a map that is actually a placemat Memorial McDonalds).

The Lord of the pigs
A ring p er rule them all, one ring to find them, one ring to toss into the sauce and cook This is to all intents and purposes the first Italian parody of epic adventure Frodo, only instead of the young hobbits have here featuring a plump wild boar tusks turquoise, whose name is Zannablù. This character was created long ago by the pair of cartoonists and Barbara Barbieri Stefano Bonfanti, also known as Dentiblù. Before the work in question had already published four books starring Zannablù, and arrived at the fifth adventure of thought to follow the wave and create this fun and delicious parody of The Lord of the Rings, comic books out in conjunction with another book featuring Zannablù always, that is Harry Porker. It
Mr. and of Porcelli see Zannablù flanked by Gandolfo, a magician who guides him around the Earth of a neighborhood, populated almost exclusively from pigs to destroy the ring by throwing it in the mountain Done ( "one who smokes more than all" ). The plot moves quite freely from the original, and in doing so the authors have shown some skill, as empty a mammoth trilogy of 1250 pages (and 9 hours of film) is, to quote a simile used by the same Dentiblù, how to get four elephants in a Cinquecento.
For more information about the site is Dentiblù www.dentiblu.it , inside, on this page, you will see a fun trailer animated work.

The Lord of rats
We also witnessed the arrival of the long-awaited parody of Tolkien Leo Ortolani and his character, the Rat-man, after the success of Star Rats. As in the previous experiment, Ortolani does this: He takes his character and some of its actors, pulls them out of their usual context and puts them in a completely different situation and often already well known to the public, such as the Star Wars universe or Middle Earth. Here is that Rat-man takes the place of Frodo, Aragorn and Boromir to Brakke, Cinzia to Legolas and so on. Some characters are new, like the magician who has taken the place of Gandalf and the dwarf garden, we also have a cameo of Judah and Aldo, the characters of Friday 13.
natual the result is hilarious: a beautiful reworking of Lord of the Rings style and a beautiful color cover Ortolani Lorenzo Ortolani (which can be seen here at right). Do not miss, whether you are or not the readers more or less normal in Rat-Man.
The official site of Rat-man: www.imd.it/rat-man/ .

The lord of the peeps
Rather than present a parody of the work of Professor Tolkien, this site is itself a parody of a movie site, within which there are trailers, pictures, wallpapers and various extra promotional downloads. But it revolves around this? Well, the creators of this site took those famous bunny-shaped cakes that since the early 20th century in America have become a myth, the Marshmellow Peeps (in some American comedy you've probably seen someone plant them on a stick and roast on the fire, perhaps in camp), have them dressed as characters from The Lord of the Rings and photographing them in accurate scenarios representing various places in Middle-earth represented the various episodes of the series. Absolutely crazy! But it must be said that the idea is truly original, and that the site is very well cared for, could be mistaken for the original, so that any casual visitor will surely be asked where the hell had happened shocked! The address is www.lordofthepeeps.com/.

The Lord of the Pens
The Lord of the Peeps is not the only online parody of the Tolkien trilogy and Jackson. Even among the Italian pages have found an interesting experiment by two young students Pavia: The Lord of markers. Their parody follows the parallel events of the three films (especially some elements, like the love story between Aragorn and Arwen, developed in the spin-off Ranger's Kreek ; beyond that everything will turn around instead of the Ring a marker of Power) and the form of a script, containing the dialogues between the characters and some directions to site. All accompanied by drawings, a map of Middle-earth amended accordingly, a folk song of Modena City Ramblers with some alternate text and photo montages of the film. The address is http://it.geocities.com/ilsignoredeipennarelli/home.html .

Stevenworks Pictures
This site collected a nice number (growing) movie-parody, the film that is true about where someone got their hands and, after being redubbed in an ironic and somewhat irreverent and then reassembled them on the internet for the delight of the sailors. The experiments are the most famous and Star Whores Star Trik , but after the release of the film trilogy of the Ring began to proliferate in this site parodies about it: The Lord of the Orelli, The Lord Bird , The Lord of Peas, The brothel Madame, Lord of the Rings and so on.
If you want to watch them after downloaded go to the site www.stevenworks.com ; recommend using a broadband internet connection.

HENRY BATES AND the Sorcerer's Balls
could miss someone who planned on doing a parody of a film phenomenon as film and commercial The Lord of the Rings Peter Jackson ? It 's something almost impossible, we could see already that Star Wars has become Spaceballs , Top Gun and Rambo are now Hot Shots , Scream in turn Scary Movi ee so on.
In this project we know that success was to target the fantasy of the moment, that Lord of the Rings and Harry Potter series. MGM has bought the script, written by David Morgasen, James R. Stein and Timothy Stack, a trio in the U.S. is already known for having created the TV series Son of the Beach (and many of you know very well that in English the word beach is a homophone of a famous insult), a parody of Baywatch . He must therefore be a parody of the same irreverent style to the one that is dedicated this site, and here too we should have been tasty word games: over at Henry Bates of the title, which obviously hints at Harry Potter, instead of Gandalf the wizard will Gandolfini (star of the show by the name of the actor The Sopranos), in place of the sorcerer Sauron rival Enron will be called (by the name of a company that some years ago was the star of a financial scandal) and instead there will be the Hobbit Bobbit, struggling with an evil spell sex .
I explained everything to the past because the project has prevaricated a lot 'of postponements, changes in title (at one point changed to Harry Trotter: Lord of the Balls ) and announcements Cancellation will most likely eventually be permanently deleted. Something like we had with Epic movie, but it is not the same thing, sin, could come up with something interesting.

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How did the Lord's return of the pitfalls ?
I think for people who have read and ISDT Sghorbit It was a real surprise to find this book in a bookstore. Personally I was expecting a translation of Sellamillion Adam Roberts, but apparently Fanucci and the Collective Self Rumente (ie the Italian translators of these parodies, from now on CAR) have opted for something else: a sequel ISDT , which is not a parody of any novel or Tolkien's translation of a parody written by Anglophone authors, Benns designed by CAR, in this April 2005 in Italian bookshops. The plot

After nearly two decades by the events he recounted ISDT , members of the company return to work together to combat the so-called Triple Alliance, determined to subdue the whole land of Partition. Thus we see the old fellows to travel to unknown lands and full of oddities in search of a mysterious talisman Corbelli, the ultimate weapon against the forces of evil. But a surprise awaits them.

To be honest, this book has me a bit 'crowded out: first, because no one expected The following parody of Lord of the Rings by JRR Tolkien, never written before, as stated in the band surrounding the volume, the second because even after I began reading it I found several things that I did not expect. It must be said that if you want to find in this book further attempts to parody elements Tolkien, perhaps overlooked in previous volumes, will not amount to much, the story and the themes included are very different from those of previous, and the points of connection with the previous books are really minor: the geography of places no longer keeps account of the de ISDT , the traditional bad - narc, mice or indeed any other force of evil in Tolkien parody - does not appear and even the names and characteristics of many characters are (apparently for no reason, especially names) changed ; be added to this the fact that the nomenclature of the various races of fantasy land of Partition is very confusing, since we use different terms to mean the same thing. I will not be accused of pedantry: I imagine that the CAR has written this book mostly for fun and that was not the first of his thoughts to create something strictly ordered, but perhaps a minimum of internal consistency was not bad, and would avoid sending the reader in confusion, especially in the first part of the book. We wanted to change (almost) totally road, then, they wanted to create an array of characters and situations that call for something much closer to everyday reality, relegating the story to a mere pretext to talk about something else: reflections on peace when the company stays in the realm of the witch Erica; reflections on musical genres and society quite explicit (and here also shows the nature of the rocker CAR!) reflections with environmental seals and polar bears who rebel against the poachers, some political considerations' everywhere, with people suffering from Amerikan (a disease that shows mangiabambini Communists everywhere) and especially considering the Society of Corbelli fighting a so-called "Triple Alliance" headed by Prince Charming, the Gawain and the Green, the Black Prince, and he who has ears to hear will understand who you are talking. Interesting this, because the ideas really comic book come out especially when it comes to these things, and more than ever read this passage, we realize that there is no need to make people laugh often cripple the reality, especially Italian politics, as in Sometimes it is so absurd that you just write it down so as to obtain the comic effect. However, any policy consideration is relative, and must not be forgotten that in this book, the CAR does not scruple to expose its point of view on the world, taking positions more or less shared (more personally) for anyone to read this novel.

At the end you can not just say it is not a comic book, although it is clear that his main objective is not only making people laugh (even if it was just what the result would be precisely the maximum). For the rest, not much else to say in my work is to understand, and I must admit that reviewed this book after reading only the first, and certainly without having fully understood. However, the effect is "unexpected," and it would be interesting to have a chat with the Collective Self Rumente to understand the reasons why they chosen this literary solution.