Thursday, October 30, 2008

Bible Wording For House Warming

Domenico Sigalini

God never abandons us
Meditations for Advent

God never abandons us. It is not obvious statement for the life of modern man. Often passes the idea of \u200b\u200ba distant God, a God who does not care about human life. The new book by Domenico Sigalini is precisely in the direction to reproduce with certainty the effect of God's love for humanity. The title says it clear and indicative that the Christians, strong encounter with the Lord who comes, is asked to shout over the rooftops, is asked to make everyone. Following day after day the songs of the Gospel of days of Advent (and the Christmas Novena), the author offers a course of particular interest existential and spiritual, a journey of faith for a more lively and effective Christian witness in the places of everyday life.

cost € 6, oo


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