Thursday, October 30, 2008

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Among the new figures that support responsible the promotion of AC and its instruments is certainly that dell'Incaricato AVE diocesan, who, in a national network, serves as a reference point to know the tools and the publishing journals of the Association for parish leaders.
have always books and subsidies - published by the Association through the ' Editrice AVE - and the press association contribute to the training of managers and shareholders and their cultural and missionary. Therefore, in a time frame for thinking about training, the role dell'Incaricato AVE becomes important in the diocese, if entered into a dynamic design to serve the training of local leaders and in support of their position in the care of members. Not so much (or more), therefore, a seller or an aide to the Secretary, but rather a manager who knows how to take care of all of the association, as dictated by the training project of the AC. The site
AC Ascoli Piceno has a section devoted to the texts and journals of AC . In it, besides the presentation of the publishing of AC, there are ideas and projects to promote such instruments in dioceses and parishes, diocesan form by the AVE (area-internal promotion association), which in this way it uses space on the web to expand its proposal. MAURO



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