Thursday, October 30, 2008

Cure For A Bent Back Toe

A What brings the technology?

The Bible or the phone?

Can you imagine what would happen if we treat the Bible in the way we treat our cell phone?
... if we carry the Bible in our 24 hours, in her purse, hanging from the belt, or in the pocket of our jacket?
... if we gave a glance many times in our day?
... if retrace our steps to look after having forgotten home or office?
... if you use it to send messages to our friends?
... if treated as if they could not live without her?
... if your giving to our children to be always in touch with them?
... If the door with us on the road, where we need help?
... if we open immediately in an emergency?

Contrary to cell phones, the Bible has always 'field'. We can connect and be in touch with God, anywhere (even in the mountains or at sea).
We do not have to worry about the lack of credit, because Jesus has already paid for always charging, and credits are unlimited.
Even better: the communication is never interrupted, and the battery is charged for a lifetime.


- If you're sad, dial * 14 John
* - If the people murmured against you, dial * *
Psalm 27 - If you are nervous or stressed , dial * * Psalm 51 (CEI, Psalm 50)
- If you are anxious, dial * *
Matthew 6:19-24 - Are you in danger, dial * * Psalm 63 (CEI, Psalm 62 )
- If your faith needs to be fortified, dial * *
Hebrews 11 - If you feel lonely and afraid, dial *
Psalm 22 * \u200b\u200b- If you are tough and critical, dial * 1 Corinthians 13 *
- To know the secret of happiness, dial * *
Colossians 3:12-17 - If you're feeling sad and lonely, compose * *
Romans 8:31-39 - If you want peace and rest, dial * *
Matthew 11:25-30 - If you think the world greater than God, Psalm 90 dial * * (CEI, Psalm 89)

Write down these numbers in your address book (perhaps that of your cell phone!).
Maybe if you do use it will be important in a few moments of your life!
There are times when it is better to have a biblical number to be dialed (for find God's help) that have a phone number to dial (to find the help of a man)!


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