Friday, December 5, 2008

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Giorgio La Pira. A San Francisco in the twentieth century

Giorgio La Pira. A San Francisco in the twentieth century
edited by: Carmelo Vigna, Elizabeth Zambruno

La Pira goes to all the message of spiritual freedom unheard of. Do not base any religious order, does not require anything specific. No particular practice, no specific vocation, no holy place. Only the call to love all people in the most radical and universal, without discrimination of any kind. For him, as for St. Francis, each place is Jerusalem, every man is his brother. The size of the figure should perhaps be measured and understood.
A portrait of the all-round personality of La Pira, a man of peace evangelical lapiriana through a reading of the Scriptures and the profile of La Pira mystical political La Pira, La Pira and Romanist La Pira Thomist.
Finally, a detailed and rigorous studies of La Pira helps us to love this master of freedom of spirit and understanding as he was above all a holy man.
Cost € 17


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