Friday, December 5, 2008

Real School Go To Pee

Dining with God

Dining with God
to: Gianni Di Santo

Preface Erri De Luca

journey into memory when the smell of cooking was with us for the rest of the day, but also anthropological trip in the true sense of the word "food" and found that heaven and earth often go together.
Pages intense and light that create a practice of conviviality and hope, knowing that cook well in advance is to say "I love you."
A deep human prayer and Christian told with Enzo Bianchi, Giancarlo Bruni, Paolo Rumiz, Predrag Matvejevic, Rubem Alves, Carlo Petrini, part prayer that the bread and wine into the pot and into the glass and the inevitable dream of a God smiling.

Cost € 10


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