Thursday, January 27, 2011

Temperature Gradient Calcultaion

Contentment in all circumstances I am a Christian

"I was very pleased that you thought back to me, and I thank the Lord for this. I know I will always remember you, but there was no opportunity to prove it. And do not talk like that because I missed something, so I learned to be content with any situation where I am. I accept both poverty and wealth. I learned to accept everything, to stand on a full stomach or empty stomach, abundance and need. I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. "
Philippians 4:10-13
There have been times in your life when you felt really satisfied and happy? Who or what caused you in this pleasant feelings?
For many people the feeling of satisfaction is, if it ever comes, when all the circumstances are just as they want or when people meet their expectations ... but how much is total and complete satisfaction? Circumstances change in a split second, people often disappoint us and dreams, more often than not, are not realized. In addition, we ourselves may be a disappointment, even accidentally, to others. No one can avoid complicated circumstances when they are beyond our control, so you better learn how to face each day with peace and quiet instead of frustration and anxiety. But is it possible? From the perspective of God, and then Paul, who left us this testimony, yes.
- The satisfaction must not be controlled or determined by external circumstances. A change of circumstances could bring temporary relief, but at the same time very shaky. Paul was in prison when he wrote these words, with the prospect of a possible death sentence. Therefore, satisfaction is not a matter of what you have or where you live, but of what we think is important.
- Fulfillment comes from an inner state not by external situations. The calm and serenity of Paul came from a mind focused on Christ. Choose to trust in Jesus, without any conditions allowed Paul to govern their emotions due to the presence of the Holy Spirit in him
- The satisfaction you learn with experience. You can not acquire reading a book or listening to the experience of others, or a good sermon. Satisfaction beyond the circumstances you learn every day in the middle of a difficult or unpleasant. Paul learned to be happy along the way, in the midst of persecution, and disease in prison. The Lord used to turn all these difficulties.
- The situations that cause frustration, anxiety and dissatisfaction are the same that God can use to effect change in us, targeted to teach us that He is able to satisfy all our need and to show who really "can do all things in him who strengthens us!"
If you think you've hit the bottom of your dissatisfaction and disappointment are ready to look up to God to give him carte blanche and allow him to teach He is sufficient and is all you need to be fulfilled and satisfied.


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