Friday, February 4, 2011

96.8 Degree Body Temperature

Jesus is at home in your heart?

"... I pray that he gives you, according to the riches of His glory, to be powerfully strengthened by His Spirit, in the inner man, and ensure that Christ may dwell in your hearts through faith, because, being rooted and grounded in love, "
Ephesians 3:16-17

know Jesus Christ? How? For you is a historical figure, a hero to emulate, a great teacher of ethics, a Hollywood character, or what? And if you're a true Christian, Christ "is at home" in your heart? If you were to enter freely from room to room in your heart that things would disappoint him? You would put such questions as: "Why is this abomination here? What is that thing on the wall? What are they doing here as foreign magazines? What is that unworthy screensaver on your computer? Why so much dust on your Bible? "

The Apostle Paul made an interesting statement to the believers of Ephesus. He said" ... I pray that Christ may dwell in your hearts. .. " In the words of Paul the term "living" has a deeper meaning of what can be seen from a first reading. In the original language the meaning is " sit back and make this place home" . In other words, Paul was saying "My prayer is that Christ can not be a guest in your hearts, but comfortable at home in your heart. "

Sometimes it's hard to feel at home in some houses. In Sardinia, I met a woman who did not sit him in his expensive white leather couch for fear that it ruined, his home was so precious as untouchable. In other homes, however, you feel at ease the moment you enter.

We live our lives as true Christians and disciples of Christ so that he feels at ease in any room of our hearts, having absolute control over every area of \u200b\u200bour lives. We should be able to say "feel at ease Lord, shall enter where you want, open your cabinets? Go ahead. Wherever you want to go is all yours, every sector and every room belongs to you because you're not a guest, but the Lord of all that I have and I am! "

Then Jesus really is at home in your heart? And 'the Lord of your heart and your life?


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