Monday, February 14, 2011

Where To Buy Interplak In Singapore

"... be strong and get to work!"

1 Chronicles 28:10
"... be strong and get to work!"

Here is a commentary by Albert Einstein about the crisis:

"We do not pretend that things will change if we always do the same. The crisis is the best blessing that a person or a country can have, because the crisis brings new projects. Creativity comes from anxiety, as the day comes from the dark night. The crisis stems invention, discoveries, major strategies. Those who pass the crisis over himself without falling behind. Who gives to the crisis in the failures and sorrows of his life, violates his talent and gives more value to the solutions to problems. The real crisis is the lack of jurisdiction. The drawback of the people and the States is laziness in finding the way out and the solutions. Without a crisis there are challenges, without challenges life is a routine, a slow death, there is no crisis without merit. It is the crisis that has seen the best of each one of us, no crisis, that wind is a caress. Speaking of the crisis and promote it to remain silent is to enhance conformity. The only crisis that may threaten your life is one in which no struggle to overcome it. "

How about these statements? As Christians, we live every day of the crisis, or evidence as we call them usually. Then ask ourselves: what do we do with these tests? How do we meet? We thank God that presents us with new challenges so that we can grow and mature in our faith in Christ? We allow the tests to do God's work in us?

God chose us to be part of His Kingdom and be courageous people, who do not pull back at the difficulties and reach the goal because they look to Christ, our King and Leader.
"We, therefore, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, we set aside every weight and sin that so easily embraces us and let us run with perseverance the race that there is a proposal, he looked at Jesus, who creates faith and make it perfect. " Hebrews 12:1-2


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