Thursday, January 6, 2011

How To Make A Wooden Dustpan

Goodbye Hanna!

About a month ago, Schneider was fine. He was engaged in evangelization in Monte Porzio Catone, a country that is vicno in Rome, in fact in the circular letter of November he wrote:

"This Christmas will remain in Rome, because I would like to be present to the market. Surely there will be people who are alone, that I can do good. Certainly I will miss my family in Switzerland ... "

The desire to evangelize in a special time of the year was stronger than the desire to spend that time with his family. But the Lord had other plans.

Later they began to experience pain, loss of appetite and weakness. The drugs could not soothe the pain.

On December 19, Petra, a dear friend, he spoke by phone and told us that Hanna was very weak and strong to catch a plane to get treatment in Switzerland. "I want to leave until I have the strength to take a trip" were his words.

The game is Dec. 20 in the morning, very early in the afternoon and his doctor had already done in a hospital near his brother's house.

doctors after finding a tumor in the liver, several other outbreaks in the stomach and lungs. prepared serve notice of the seriousness of the situation and that the disease could have a rapid advance. They also said that sometimes, a cure, can give good results. Hanna

Some comments made in Petra, after talking with doctors:

"Do not fear the future, so if the Lord wants to accept the path of suffering."

"The doctors are very friendly, helpful and capable. The primary is a believer. Nurse that I washed my hair told me that his mom is a believer. I told him not just come from a believing mother, himself in need of salvation in Jesus Christ "

Some comments received from the Petra, during those days:
" In all this I have not heard even a hint of complaint by Hanna. She is very grateful to God for the care he is receiving and continues to evangelize in the hospital.
is greatly blessed in having close to his brother, who is a believer, with his family. What a relief not having to face these times alone, but with a man at his side, who does everything to be a blessing for her.

He asked me to inform you, because it was thought that perhaps someone had tried to contact her but could not find. Does not want you in thought for her.

not asked me to ask you to pray for his recovery. I was not even mentioned the thought of healing. Indeed, you agree to peace with God's will for his life, even if it includes suffering and feels cured by the Lord in a special way. "But he has a great
heavy heart. He did not cried for his illness, but he cried for his nephew Christoph ... The greatest desire is to see Hanna saved his nephew. And not only him but also Virgil. She said: "I prayed the Lord to show me and Virgil Christoph saved before he died."
I do not know if the Lord will answer that prayer. But it strikes me that Hanna's heart in his suffering temporary thinks the eternal suffering of people dear to his heart.

How fast can change our lives. About a month ago she was fine. When a test takes no more time to prepare for it. Preparations must be made before! Thank God, Hanna was prepared by living in close communion with the Lord. I pray that everyone has this close communion with the Lord, so you have peace and joy in everyday life in the deepest trials. "

On January 2, Hanna Schneider is physically dead, but we know with certainty that the moment in which the Her body is off, entered the Lord's presence. Now he is well, in the glory of our Lord and His. We miss her very much, ours is not a goodbye, but goodbye. Public

below, the greetings of several people who knew and loved Hanna, because it seems to me the best recognition of a faithful servant of Lord, who, until the last, remained at the forefront in the work of God May we all follow his example!

"Hanna has been for me a comfort and a very present help in my years of study and all'IBEI was at university, when I lived with her along with Petra. It's great that in real time, thanks to Facebook, from all over the world have prayed and cried for her. He left a sign of great love for us all "- BARBARA EMMANUELLE

" I think we will miss that smile a little friend who has done so much good in the dell'IBEI goers like me, who in addition to the strong desire to study, they brought with them their vicissitudes existential. I believe that we will miss that face the sun, that every time we did see a piece of heaven ... you will be missed ... but we will miss him for a while ... until we meet again in heaven, where our predecessors ... Glory be to God for this precious gift for so many years has given us! - Tonino APPLES

"I know have this summer, was at my house about thirty minutes, but in that short time has managed to convey joy and serenity!. - ELENA CATGIU

"Hello Hanna, I'll remember you forever. The camp will never be the same without you: ("- Jonathan APPLES (ten years)

"Hanna: an example for all of us ... until the last has been at work for God and in the hospital, his thought was: "pray for my recovery," but "to pray ..." and thought of the people dear to his heart that still do not know Lord. We are certain that God has spared painful therapies, and he accepted it with all the honors in the sky. We find there. The heart is sad and her eyes streaked with tears, but trust in God will fill the void that left in our hearts.
May God enable us to follow his example of an evangelist full of love for the lost.

Goodbye Hanna! "- MARIA LUISA CINI


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