Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Wedding Rsvp Pay For Own Meal Wording

sweet letter O as Pride ... Or like "Oh mom, how silly!"

"Lord, my heart is not proud and my eyes are not haughty; not aspire to things that are too big and too high for me.
Truly my soul is calm and quiet.
As a child weaned on his mother's womb, so it is quiet in me my soul.
O Israel, hope in the Lord, now and forever. "
(Psalm 131 - Song of degrees - to David)
A young Italian man went to Chicago for a week holiday, then took a room at the Hotel Sherman. His English was not great, but somehow managed to get by in those first hours on U.S. soil. After his room, he decided to take a walk. Turn you turn around, eventually lost. Unfortunately he did not remember the name of the street where the hotel was not even the appearance of the hotel itself. He was ashamed of his little English and at the same time he was sure that if you would manage alone, without help from anyone. He arrived in the evening with no result, then the young man decided to take another room in another hotel. The day after the search resumed, still insist not to ask or some help from some passing police officer, also because he was afraid to look bad with his little English. He tried unsuccessfully for five consecutive days the hotel where he had left all his luggage, but to no avail. Near the end of his vacation, he finally decided to go to a police patrol. The police obviously had no trouble finding your hotel. Indeed, kindly accompanied him there. When the youth arrived at the Hotel Sherman, where he had recorded on his arrival, he discovered to his great raccappriccio that it was not far from the Hotel Astor, where he stayed for 4 nights without his personal effects. The pride had prevented him from enjoying the much-coveted holiday causing him to lose time, money and joy.

No one should be so proud as not to recognize that they need help or more instructions on a job or an important decision. No one should let your pride prevent him from asking God for help and admit you were wrong. There is no shame not to be perfect ... all of us, if we rest in God, we are "your work in progress."

Remember the infamous Pride kicked Lucifer out of heaven, the weak and disobedient Adam from Paradise, The haughty Saul his kingdom, the arrogant Nebuchadnezzar off from society for a long period, from the arrogant Haman the court of King Ahasuerus, and led him to death. Do not let pride make you his prey!

Monday, November 15, 2010

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In the middle of the storm you'll never be alone!

We know how things go. Everything feels right, no problem on the horizon, no conflict, nothing to complain about ... There has never happened? I really think so. There are periods of calm, which does not seem true that there is peace all around us ... until out of nowhere, comes the storm. Maybe it's a financial crisis, a disease or something else that breaks overwhelmingly in your peace.
What do you do when the storm violently overwhelms you and your boat begins to sink?

While the apostle Paul traveled to Rome, a powerful storm unleashed by investing the boat on which he was with other passengers. Paul is not alarmed and did not panic, remained calm and even managed to encourage fellow travelers. He told them: "But now I urge you to be of good cheer, for there will be no loss of life for you, but only of the ship. As an angel of God to which I belong, and whom I serve, I appeared tonight " (Acts 27:22-23)
How did Paul have such certainty?

Paul was aware of the presence of God in his life. He knew that God was with him on the boat, in the midst of danger and who was also in control of the storm.

God is present in your life? is your Lord and Master? You're serving it daily in your work, family and everything you do? Then be assured that it will always be with you wherever you are and in whatever circumstances you find yourself. Will know that everything you need, when you need it.

God is with you now, no matter what kind of storm you are facing. Maybe not you hear a voice from heaven, you'll see an angel in a dream, but you can certainly hear his sweet voice and delicate, from the depths of your heart says "But now thus saith the Lord thy Creator, who formed you! Fear not, for I have redeemed you I have called you by name, you are mine! When you pass through the waters, I will be with you through the rivers, they shall not overflow thee: when you walk into the fire will not be burnt and the flame shall not consume you, because I AM the LORD thy God, the Holy, your SALVATORE; Because you are precious in my eyes, you are respected and I love you! "

This was the God of Paul is my ... .. God is your God?
If it is, too You can reassure others that it is really in control of everything. You will feel calm and peaceful in the midst of danger and uncertainty, because you can be sure of the presence of God in you, with you, around you. If your employer were communicated: "I'm sorry, but I must resign, or if your doctor told you:" The test results are not good you would know ...", that God is still in control of your life.

Remember that you are not and will never be alone! The Lord is near and is interested in your circumstances.
Jesus has promised "I'll be with you until the end of the age" (Matthew 28:20)

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

White Tongue Sore Throat

For his grace - Luciano

Pain In Foot And Fibroid

thank God for the brothers who strive for his work

We want to thank with all my heart for his brother Antonio the care of these video clips, and their achievement, which may touch your heart in this day and can be instrument of evangelization. May God bless you

Is Diabetic Uncurable

Believe - Luciano

Obesity Liposuction Blog -clinics

Where I'll go - Elena

5 Minutes Activities About Color

Hymn of Victory - Elena-Luciano-Lucy-Ghingali

Italian Quando Una Donna

I want to be with Thee - Luciano Lucy &

Lung Cancer Smf Forum

If you believe in God - The name Ghingali

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Primer Pari Annealing Temp Calculator

balloons or grace enough?

"And because I did not have to exalted for excellence of the revelations, I was a thorn in the flesh, (...) so I'm not proud. Three times I besought the Lord that it might depart from me, and he told me: "My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness." Therefore I will boast quite gladly about my weaknesses, so that the power of Christ may rest upon me. For this I am pleased in weaknesses, in insults, in necessities, in persecutions, in distresses for Christ's sake, because when I am weak, then am I strong. "2 Corinthians 12:7-10

Today is a self-sufficiency rewarded and recognized value, indeed, advocated at all. A lot of people will never admit their own weakness or need for help from other people. "I can go it alone" support, even when, perhaps, are the tongue to the floor. We are honest with ourselves, often behind the armor of strength and courage instead of hiding one thing: pride.

Someone once said that adversity produces holes in our pride. In this chapter 12 of his letter to the Corinthians (and elsewhere) Paul claimed to have many reasons to be arrogant, proud of himself and totally self-sufficient: a good family, good academic background, an exemplary religious, a social position of great authority and power over life and death of others, and so on. (Philippians 3:5-6). Even after his personal encounter with the risen Christ and his conversion, Paul had many opportunities to increase his personal pride and rely on its other location chosen by God because God had called him in a unique and specific to the role of Apostle to the Gentiles to bring the Gospel to the ends of the known world.

But you know what? God knows our nature better than we do, that's why the Lord, in addition to the privileges of the apostolate, also gave him a "thorn in the flesh", a problem unknown to us but it was so serious and debilitating as to require constant care and spiritual Paul was praying that he could bear. This was the needle must constantly deflated his pride human and put many holes in it as is necessary to prevent swell like a balloon.

God uses adversity in much the same way in our lives. Sometimes we find ourselves in situations that are beyond our capacity to endure ... at least in appearance. But when we think we do not do it just as God gives us His sufficiency, His goodness, His guidance and strength. dwells in them.

Self-sufficiency is not a virtue but a trap. That's why God's message is the opposite of what the company proclaims it so hard. Those who wish to overcome adversity have to sacrifice their attitude of "I can do it alone" and learn to be completely dependent on Him when we are weak, God himself makes us strong.

Personally I thank God for the heart that puts constant needles in my life, unpleasant, unwanted but necessary to prevent or chosen to become a stuffed shirt, believes to be self sufficient, not needing others or God!

Monday, November 1, 2010

Basketball Christmas Wrapping Paper

you're warming up to the fire of the enemy?

Peter followed at a distance, until they reached the courtyard of the high priest, and entered, sitting down with the guards, to see how the story would end. Matthew 26:58

A series of wrong choices have led Peter to deny Christ. The first of these was having too much confidence in himself, the second was to follow Christ from afar. Finally, the third was wrong the wrong people attend.

In Luke 22:55 we find Peter as he warms up by the fire in the courtyard of the high priest Caiaphas, who stood trial with the intention of condemning Jesus, we call this "enemy fire" . At this point Peter was tired, frustrated, discouraged, confused and weak, to describe his situation with a word you could say that was vulnerable, then the \\ 'last place where Peter was supposed to be was right next to the fire of the enemy, surrounded by people who are not believers, rabid and ready to kill her beloved Master.

The Gospel of Matthew tells us that Peter sat with the servants to follow the order of events. She was already resigned to the fate of Jesus? He felt helpless in front of that situation? The only thing to do was sit there and really be scared and resigned to wait? Certainly Peter was in the wrong place with the wrong people at the wrong time, with feeling bad and about to do the wrong thing.

What's going on now about us? We think we are so strong and tough to be able to influence others? Or we feel weak and scared, vulnerable to "enemy fire"? With whom we spend our time when we need security, encouragement and direction? Where is our beloved master? The Winner and feel able to overwhelm opponents with his love?
Psalm 1 reminds us "Blessed is the man who walks not in the counsel of the ungodly, nor standeth in that way of sinners, nor sitteth in the seat of the scornful but his delight is in the law of the Lord and on his law he meditates day and night. " Note the progression of words in the Psalm: first c \\ 's walk, then there \\' s stop and then there's the seating.

When we fall into sin, or in a state of great prostration, we do not suddenly, from night and day. It is the result of a series of steps and wrong choices that ultimately will lead us to be with the wrong people, in the wrong place at the wrong times and that, consequently, we will do the wrong things, sooner or later that is.

What happened then to Peter? We all know: he denied him three times with oaths and curses, to know how Jesus reacted to Jesus? "And the Lord turned and looked at Peter and Peter (...) went out and wept bitterly? (Luke 22:61.62) Remember, no matter how many times you have denied the Lord, with Him there is always room for repentance and forgiveness!