Tuesday, August 31, 2010

How Can You Tell It Is A Real Sandman


Can you imagine what would happen if we treat the Bible, the Word of God, in the same way we deal with the phone?

if they carried the Bible in our 24 hours, in her purse, hanging from the belt, or in the pocket of our jacket?

If we gave a glance over and over again during our day, just like we do with your mobile phone? If

, forgotten at home or office, retrace our steps to look for it? If

use it to send messages of love and encouragement to our friends?

if you treat her as if we could not live without her, just as some of us can not live without the phone?

If giving to our children, friends or relatives as the most valuable asset?

If the door with us on the road, on vacation or bureaucratic offices in case we needed help or if we were forced to wait long?

If we open immediately in case of danger, distress, fear or loneliness?

contrast to cellular, the Bible has always "pitch." We can connect and be in touch with God in any place (even in the mountains or at sea). God is never too busy or too tired to respond. We do not have to worry about the lack of credit, because Jesus has already paid for and always charging claims are unlimited. Even better: the communication is never interrupted, the battery is charged for a lifetime, never hear the voice of an answering machine in which to leave a message and never, never will be a pre-recorded message that says: "The 'Operator is currently busy on another call and will respond as soon as possigile. Do not hang up so as not to lose the priority gained "!

And here the numbers to add to your address book, maybe just one phone call, "compose" in case of need:

If you are sad - dial * 14 * John
If people murmured against you - dial * Psalm 27 * If you feel tired
/ a or exhausted / a - dial * Isaiah 40 * If you are anxious
/ o - dial * Matthew 6:19-24 *
If you are in danger - dial * Psalm 63 *
If your faith is weak - dial * 11 * Jews
If you feel alone / ae afraid - dial * Psalm 22 * \u200b\u200b
If you do not know how to love - dial * 13 * 1 Corinthians
If you want to know the secret of happiness - dial * Colossians 3:12-17
* If you feel just sad and distressed / a - dial * Romans 8:28-39 *
If you want peace and rest - dial * Matthew 11:25-30 *

There are times when it is better to have a biblical number to dial for find God's help rather than having a phone number to dial to find the help of a being uomano, weak and needy as you are!

If you have other emergency numbers to suggest the Bible is well and maybe Passali together with these others, could save a life!

Monday, August 23, 2010

Altair And Ezio's Hidden Blade

God, speaking of statues made of wood, marble or other worship materials from people, described as follows: "They have ears and hear not, they do not smell and nose, hands and have not touched, feet and do not walk, their throat is no sound. " Psalm 115:6-7

naturally tend to associate with the jealous pettiness and selfishness, we consider it a defect and not a virtue. But when he revealed to his people, called himself a jealous God, of course, this type of jealousy is not what we refer to regularly. Through the Scriptures we see that God is not only a jealous God, but God also zealous in his love for us and He wants you and I are alike zealous in our love for Him God loves us and wants an exclusive relationship, intimate, personal with us. Rightly, is not satisfied with the crumbs of our time or our affection.

God told his people: "Do not bow down to them (the statues and idols), nor serve them: for I the Lord thy God am a jealous God ..." (Exodus 20 : 5)

When the Israelites did and adored the golden calf while Moses was on Mount Sinai, defended themselves by saying that it was just "a celebration of the Lord" (Exodus 32:5). Nowadays you do not build golden calves but images of men and women that are real or fictitious, and, perhaps, there is justified the same way: "is just a celebration in honor of the Lord" ... Call it what you want, but the reality is that yesterday and today is just beautiful and good idolatry. A person who truly knows God, who has experienced the new birth and living in communion with Him through the sacrifice of Jesus Christ, should not need a picture to pray or worship God When a person feels that they need d ' images to worship, to focus on God or for "worship" a person there is something deeply wrong and unbiblical. And this is a serious problem, should not be underestimated.

Jesus said to a woman who was looking for answers to their spiritual needs: "The hour is coming, indeed has already come, when the true worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and in truth: for the Father seeks to worship him. God is spirit, and those who worship him, must worship him in spirit and in truth. " The woman said: "I know that the Messiah (who is called Christ) must come, and when he comes, we will announce everything." Jesus said: "It is I, I who speak to you! "


= Spirit we can not define or outline images resulting from our imagination, God is the invisible man would never have known the invisible God, if God had not revealed through Scripture and of Christ Jesus;
spirit of our worship to God must not merely "places of worship or particularly emotional moments, but we must start from within, from a renewed heart, afraid and consecrated to Him;

= corresponding truth and in harmony with the Scriptures and centered on the "Word made flesh - Jesus Christ (John 1: 1-2; 14:6) that reveals the Father.
're zealous for God? You're worshiping as he requires? Let's talk if you want.

the next

Saturday, August 21, 2010

18th Birthday Wording No Alcohol


Finally here I am posting a little something about the trip the "parent" of 2010, "main" because I hope to make others, even if youngest (maybe a hit and run in Berlin).
Prior to disclose the route I want to thank Gian Marco Prazzoli and Lorenzo Magnani for the company and the laughter made together and express some opinion on a country which, in my opinion, is not given a fair advertising and promotion at international level.

Some brief remarks
thought that the coldness of the people was directly proportional to the latitude, but I was wrong! The Scots are very sociable people and : no doubt appreciate the fact of meeting new people and, secondly, there seemed very kind and helpful.
several times (brandishing a map with perplexed do) we were approached by boys, ladies or gentlemen who asked us if we needed help.
To underline the seamless integration of different ethnic groups and mutual respect that exists in their society.
Urban Environment and countryside:
The strength of Scotland is without doubt the landscape green and beautiful as few hills and "sheep" out of sight; ;
city also show original and beautiful to see, being all different from each other, they would like to draw on a small list:

1 - A tied and Glasgow Inverness;
2 - Edinburgh
3 - Oban and Portree;
4 - Fort William;
5 - Aberdeen,

I placed 2nd place in Edinburgh, mainly because I found much travel, too much for my taste, but it is a subjective opinion that you should not consider for any trip;
Last place in Aberdeen because, according to me, is a city and too much new industrial, that due to the presence of numerous oil fields in the sea adjacent to her. I thought it was very ... mmm ... "Grey and anonymous."

But I will not get lost in conversation when we'll be more than a few and photos to document everything!

below shows you our itinerary (kindly provided by Lorenzo Magnani):

Day 1 (Friday July 30 2010) public transportation and aviation:
  • Piacenza - Milano Centrale (obviously by train);
  • Central Milan - Malpensa (Malpensa Shuttle);
  • Malpensa - Edinburgh (easyJet);
  • Edinburgh - Glasgow (train);

Day 2 (Saturday, July 31, 2010) on foot :
  • Glasgow;

Day 3 (Sunday, August 1, 2010) on foot:
  • Glasgow;

Day 4 (Monday, 02 August 2010) Car:
  • Glasgow;
  • Luss (Loch Lamond);
  • Invereray (Loch Fine);
  • Kilchum Castle ( Loch Awe);
  • Oban;
  • Fort William (Ben Nevis and Loch Linnie)
See Photos

Day 5 (Tuesday, August 3, 2010) Car:
  • Fort William (Ben Nevis and Loch Linnie)
  • Mallaig - Isle of Skye;
  • Kilchrist Church (Broadford);
  • Dunvegan Castle (Loch Dunvegan)
  • Duntulum Castle (Duntulum)
  • Uig (Loch Snizort)
See Photos

Day 6 (Wednesday 04 August 2010) Car:
  • Uig;
  • Old Man of Stone;
  • Portree;
  • Eilean Donan Castle (Loch Alsh)
  • Fort Augustus (Loch Ness);
  • Inverness (Loch Ness);
See Photos

Day 7 (Thursday, 05 August 2010) Car:
  • Inverness (Loch Ness);
  • Aberdeen (North Sea);
See Photos

Day 8 (Friday 06 August 2010) Car:
  • Aberdeen (North Sea);
  • Edinburgh;
See Photos

Day 9 (Saturday, August 7 2010) on foot:
  • Edinburgh;
See Photos

Day 10 (Sunday, August 6, 2010), public transport and aviation:
  • Edinburgh;
  • Malpensa
  • Milano Centrale;
  • Piacenza
See Photos

By any route you can see the photos of the places visited during the day. I used the space offered by online picasaweb: I will soon a sample video to show how they can be easily downloaded with Google Picasa.

Hello and see you soon!

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Pokemon Doujinshi Moe Pokemon Yaoi Doujinshi?

Jealous God The Word of God

There are people who read the Bible to discuss and debate arguments. They treat the Word of God as something to continually reassess and revise it to keep pace with the times. These people, proudly, I ask, "What do you think of this Book?" Without being really interested in your point of view, their purpose is to present their objections to whatever you say. Others, however, in humble submission, read the Word of God and they wonder: "What What this book think of me? "

" We must not be satisfied at the expense of the Spirit or the Word or the Word without the Spirit. Our life has to travel along these two parallel lines, just as the train travels along parallel rails. The Word of God is the instrument used by the Spirit, and only through this dedicated connection we can feel His Divine Voice. We need to fully understand the importance of intensive study of the Bible. (FB Meyer)

"Sooner or later, then all we have to address this fundamental issue: we accept the Bible as the Word of God as the sole authority on all matters of faith and practice authentic or not? I have to ask: everything about my thoughts on every aspect of life is governed and guided by Scripture, or I approach the scriptures with my arguments and I select the particular tracks that you agree to my personal interpretation of life and the Bible itself? Who is the authority on faith: I or the Bible? The issue is crystal clear: I accept all of Scripture as the revelation of God, or I put my trust in speculation, human knowledge, in the human ability to understand the essence of man and his motives. Or, more simply, to subdue all my trust and my thoughts and what I read the Bible? Or I rely on modern knowledge, human teachings, the current thinking or what we now know through science that was unknown in the past? It is inevitable that taking sides in one direction or another. (D. Martyn Lloyd-Jones)

There are other writings that can match the Word of God, the Bible, no philosophy, wisdom and human knowledge can never match the Wisdom of the Word of God The Word of God, Bible:

Eternal - Isaiah 40:8

Liberator - John 8:31-32

Food - Jeremiah 15:16, Matthew 4:4

Reliable - Titus 1:9

solid foundation - Matthew 7:24

winning - Ephesians 6:17

fruitful - Mark 4:20

Absolutely perfect - Psalm 19:7

living and active - Hebrews 4:12

THE WORD God and Christ Jesus, God, light, life - John 1:1-3

Decide now how you want to get closer to God's Word, the Bible. Whatever is your choice, however, remember the words of Jesus Christ himself, and then act accordingly:

"Verily, verily I say unto you, whoever hears my word and believes him who sent me, has life eternal and do not come into condemnation but has passed from death to life. "John 5:24

And finally, here are 10 reasons why I believe in the Bible, the Word of God:
2 is reasonable. Its composition wonderful
3. His only complete
4. His teachings unparalleled
5. His appeal perennial
6. Its scientific accuracy
7. His prophecies fulfilled
8. His miraculous preservation
His power transformer 10. His message of Christ

To learn more, visit this link: www.laparola.net / intro / bibbia_parola_dio.php

Friday, August 6, 2010

Tv Tuner Philips 7130-chipset Treiber

My Way

Frank Sinatra had fully lived the American dream, "the American Dream. " He had managed to be a self-sufficient and able to face any obstacles, the 'cowboys' able to ride a winner for life. Frank Sinatra, at the end of his life, when he pulled the curtain for the last time and facing the prospect of death, he wrote this song, as his memorial and testament: "My way" - "my way".

And now the end is near
And so I face the final curtain
My friend, I'll say it clearly
I tell you what is my situation, which I am sure

lived a full life I have traveled on all roads But more
. Much of this
I did it my way

Regrets, I've had someone
But again, too few to mention
I did what I had to do
I saw it through without exemption I planned each charted course

Each careful step along the road
But more, much more than that
I did it my way

Yes, there have been times, I'm sure you knew
I swallowed more than he could chew
(= I made the longest stride of leg)
But through it all, when there was doubt I ate and then spit

I faced it all and I was standing I did

my way I've loved, I laughed and cried
I had my fill, my share of defeats
So, while the tears stop, I find it all very funny

To think I did all this;
And if I may say so, not understated
"No, oh no I - I did it my way"

What a man, what's the matter?
If not himself, then he has nothing
To say the things he truly feels And not the words
one who kneels The record shows I took
And I did it my way.

(translation by Poul Finch)

Honestly, what a relief to know that we must save our way, we should not live our way to try to be happy, we should not get by as possible to please God in our way. As Christians, we follow the example of Christ who, in the most crucial time of his life, he chose not "his own way - away - will but the will of the Father. Jesus, the Creator and Ruler of the universe, He who must not kneel before anyone, has allowed people to betray him, insult him, spit in his face, brutally tortured and finally killed him because his desire was to do the Father's will. Thank God, is risen and is the living Lord and Savior. If we choose our

way to fail miserably to live or die, leaving behind us a memorial sad and dejected. If we choose the will of God in every area of \u200b\u200bour lives we reach the heavenly goal really. Jesus gave us an example to follow: our motto will be, as it was for Jesus, "Not my will but Thy will be done"? I hope so!