Thursday, October 30, 2008

Cure For A Bent Back Toe

A What brings the technology?

The Bible or the phone?

Can you imagine what would happen if we treat the Bible in the way we treat our cell phone?
... if we carry the Bible in our 24 hours, in her purse, hanging from the belt, or in the pocket of our jacket?
... if we gave a glance many times in our day?
... if retrace our steps to look after having forgotten home or office?
... if you use it to send messages to our friends?
... if treated as if they could not live without her?
... if your giving to our children to be always in touch with them?
... If the door with us on the road, where we need help?
... if we open immediately in an emergency?

Contrary to cell phones, the Bible has always 'field'. We can connect and be in touch with God, anywhere (even in the mountains or at sea).
We do not have to worry about the lack of credit, because Jesus has already paid for always charging, and credits are unlimited.
Even better: the communication is never interrupted, and the battery is charged for a lifetime.


- If you're sad, dial * 14 John
* - If the people murmured against you, dial * *
Psalm 27 - If you are nervous or stressed , dial * * Psalm 51 (CEI, Psalm 50)
- If you are anxious, dial * *
Matthew 6:19-24 - Are you in danger, dial * * Psalm 63 (CEI, Psalm 62 )
- If your faith needs to be fortified, dial * *
Hebrews 11 - If you feel lonely and afraid, dial *
Psalm 22 * \u200b\u200b- If you are tough and critical, dial * 1 Corinthians 13 *
- To know the secret of happiness, dial * *
Colossians 3:12-17 - If you're feeling sad and lonely, compose * *
Romans 8:31-39 - If you want peace and rest, dial * *
Matthew 11:25-30 - If you think the world greater than God, Psalm 90 dial * * (CEI, Psalm 89)

Write down these numbers in your address book (perhaps that of your cell phone!).
Maybe if you do use it will be important in a few moments of your life!
There are times when it is better to have a biblical number to be dialed (for find God's help) that have a phone number to dial (to find the help of a man)!

Community Workletter In A Hospital

personally thank Mauro for his readiness for such a service useful for all our diocesan association.
AC We are called to be informed, prepared and I will also curious about everything around us and we can only understand and investigate evidence of a strong faith and we have an opportunity in matura.Ora più.Buon work, Mauro.
A warm fraternal greetings.

Advent and Christmas 2008

seguto Those found to have an accompanying personal daily Advent and Christmas 2008

not hesitate to contact me to order them, DISCOUNTS on all titles!

Hello Mauro

Bible Wording For House Warming

Domenico Sigalini

God never abandons us
Meditations for Advent

God never abandons us. It is not obvious statement for the life of modern man. Often passes the idea of \u200b\u200ba distant God, a God who does not care about human life. The new book by Domenico Sigalini is precisely in the direction to reproduce with certainty the effect of God's love for humanity. The title says it clear and indicative that the Christians, strong encounter with the Lord who comes, is asked to shout over the rooftops, is asked to make everyone. Following day after day the songs of the Gospel of days of Advent (and the Christmas Novena), the author offers a course of particular interest existential and spiritual, a journey of faith for a more lively and effective Christian witness in the places of everyday life.

cost € 6, oo

Signs Scorpio Man Likes U

Italian Catholic Action

Prayer for Juniors and Young.
Advent and Christmas 2008

In a world that tries to reduce the cycle time to a repetitive and boring us to discover the Church each year, the time of salvation in which God continues to visit his people.
So this grant helps to find the Advent and Christmas as a time of expectation and joy that Emmanuel, God with us, speaks to the heart of each and every day makes it different and an occasion of grace.
The dossier, the vibrant graphics and simple, has a very simple structure: for each day of the week is suggested a verse taken from the gospel of the day, accompanied by a brief reflection, the result of the educational experience of priests and teachers, which helps to translate the Word of God in daily life, followed by a prayer and the suggestion of a small concrete commitment.

cost € 3.50


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Is Anything On Jibjab Free

Boys' Catholic Action
The new subsidy for Advent and Christmas 2008 for children aged 12 to 14 years.
Advent and Christmas 2008
and St. Joseph, the father of Jesus, to bring all the boys to be led by him the path of the Advent and Christmas, to hear the wonderful things that God wants to tell us.
The parables that Jesus told his disciples to show the way forward.
Everything else ... is to discover the new subsidy for Advent and Christmas 2008!
cost € 3.50

Monica Roccaforte Groß

Boys' Catholic Action


Personal guidance and daily prayer for children aged 6 to 11 years.
Advent and Christmas 2008

's not certain all day to be accompanied by S. Joseph in a fantastic journey along every day of Advent, which precede the birth of the Lord ... Still, it's just what happens between the pages of all you seek, the new subsidy for Advent Children 6 to 11 years.
S. Joseph, through his example of life, unique and special, will help all children who wish to accept in their heart that Jesus was born in our world. And as a carpenter, will give them instructions for building a fantastic cradle to host their great friend Jesus

cost € 3.50

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Among the new figures that support responsible the promotion of AC and its instruments is certainly that dell'Incaricato AVE diocesan, who, in a national network, serves as a reference point to know the tools and the publishing journals of the Association for parish leaders.
have always books and subsidies - published by the Association through the ' Editrice AVE - and the press association contribute to the training of managers and shareholders and their cultural and missionary. Therefore, in a time frame for thinking about training, the role dell'Incaricato AVE becomes important in the diocese, if entered into a dynamic design to serve the training of local leaders and in support of their position in the care of members. Not so much (or more), therefore, a seller or an aide to the Secretary, but rather a manager who knows how to take care of all of the association, as dictated by the training project of the AC. The site
AC Ascoli Piceno has a section devoted to the texts and journals of AC . In it, besides the presentation of the publishing of AC, there are ideas and projects to promote such instruments in dioceses and parishes, diocesan form by the AVE (area-internal promotion association), which in this way it uses space on the web to expand its proposal. MAURO
