Sunday, October 31, 2010

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Lucca Comics & Games 2010

inform everyone that my pictures are online Lucca Comics & Games 2010 .
I take this opportunity to say that my albums are easily downloaded: with Google Picasa installed on your computer, simply click on "Download" and then "Download to Picasa."

Hello and happy viewing!

Monday, October 25, 2010

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What God knows you

You count the steps of my wanderings; collect my tears yours may not register in your book? - Psalm 56:8

Today scientists tell us that we do not forget anything. Estimate that our brains out over the life, is capable of storing a trillion bits of information. Unbelievable is not it? If I think to myself, however, I have some trouble believing, since I'm a guy who forgets a lot of things, especially the keys. I often say, "If I had the head attached to the neck, just forget it somewhere as well." But sometimes just a particular scent or a scene from a movie bring to mind situations or people that I thought I had forgotten years old ... things that have remained somewhere in my memory and I thought I had removed.

God remembers everything - always. There are lapses in his memory. Never forgets anyone, God is omniscient, which means that he knows everything. The knowledge of God is eternal, just as He knows now what God has always known and will forever. God does not learn new things, He knows from the beginning, and do not forget things or people as we do. We learn new things, but God already knows everything from eternity.

The Bible tells us that He is aware of every known bird falls to the ground and that even our hair are counted one by one (Matthew 10:30). Well, it does not take much to have my hair :-) dopottutto ... maybe your head count will be more challenging ;-)

The amazing thing is that the majestic God, Almighty Creator of the universe is interested in us , you and me, in a precise and detailed! What makes us feel bad? What worries you? What do you proxy anxiety and headaches? What makes tears fall from your eyes? All these things are known to God and are important to God So whatever you're facing now, he knows everything. It is conscious of the mistakes made in a modern way, the problems of politics or economics, nothing gets by surprise. God knows the end of all things from the beginning. This all-knowing God loves you, loves me so much that wants to have with us an intimate friendship, he wants to talk to us in a simple and profound, he loves us to the point of sacrificing their lives for us.

you not enough? I certainly do not come And that's why I can deal with every day, all that will bring joy or tears, peace and the assurance that God knows everything about this day from all eternity!

Thursday, October 14, 2010

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something that God really hates! Not

"These six things the LORD hates, indeed, seven are an abomination unto him: A proud look, a lying tongue, hands that shed innocent blood, the heart that deviseth wicked imaginations, feet that run to mischief, a false witness that speaketh lies, and he that soweth discord among brethren. "

Proverbs 6:16-19 God hates lying
of any color it is:
who is white, gray or black
... it will never be sincere.

God loves the truth,
God is truth, truth
God incarnate:
Jesus said: I am the Truth . (John 14:6)
quaestio is the reality!

It 's impossible for God to lie (Hebrews 6:18)
and hypocrisy just can not digest!
Not to mention the gossip ...
For Him is smell, stench, stink, stink tremendous

Attention therefore first to speak,
remember that God is listening!

In a recent study has been asked a sample of people what were the compelling reasons to lie. 98% of people answered that he is lying to avoid offending others. Up to a certain point, you can understand this position because telling the truth is not always easy, especially when asked "do you like my new dress ... "How am I ?"... "How's the dining room, good?" and "how are my red hair?" etc ... However, lying is sin. Lies have no color in front of God and also the so-called "Lies for a good purpose" is to hate him! There are other subtle

stratasgemmi we use and we should call "the gray" exaggeration in telling a story, or "sorry, I forgot" when in fact we would have liked to say NO to a specific commitment but we have not had the courage ; gossip is often lie in order to denigrate the reputation of others and we want to look better, what about the "good to see that" when in fact within us say "that pizza, mo 'I have to speak with is pure' person ".

Proverbs 20:19 says, "Who is gossiping reveals secrets; therefore not t'immischiare with who opens wide his lips.." We like to mention other (Or gossiping), and unfortunately, too often we like to listen to those who Sparla of others, is part of our mischievous nature.

How do you feel when you reach the ear lies about you or gossip about people you love? What a disappointment you felt the first time you discovered that someone you love has blatantly lied to? So you know how everything is destroyed.

Remember, God hates the lie, then we begin to hate and avoid it like crazy!

Saturday, October 2, 2010

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my will but thy will be done!

ancient hymn This is a beautiful prayer. Of course, it is not easy to pray in this way, but I think it is the highest expression of love and trust in our God and Heavenly Father. Jesus in the garden of Gethsemane, prayed something like this when she was saddened by a deadly sadness. His prayer and his feelings were so intense that large drops of blood running down his face. Those moments were so crucial to him that Heavenly Father sent an angel to comfort him and support him. Finally, Jesus could say: "Not my will but yours be done!"

May the Lord help us to make our thoughts of this song, with deep peace and joy, with peace of mind knowing that God always wants the best for us!

Your path, not mine, Lord, is so dark!
Guide me with your hand, you choose the path for me.
Whether smooth or difficult, will also be the best;
curvy, or straight, take me in your presence.

I dare not choose the one that falls to me, even if I could do it;
Choose for me, my God, for me to walk straight.
The kingdom that I seek is yours,
That the path I walk is yours, otherwise I smarrirò.

Get my cup and fill it with joy or sorrow,
do you think better, you choose the good for me and my problems. Choose
for me my friends, my sickness or my health;
choose me for my problems, to my poverty and my wealth.

is not mine, not my choice, in everything, big or small;
Be thou my guide, my strength, my wisdom, my everything.

Horatius Bonar (1808-89)