Tuesday, December 23, 2008

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As established custom, this year a date now known to all will be dedicated to the party and felt more supported by the belief and the folk tradition: December 25. On this day it is customary to remember the birth of Jesus Christ, and for the occasion, again, customs and religious-traditional folk events that give rise to "Christmas." We rediscover the values \u200b\u200band interests that are lit during the rest of the year seem to have absolutely no dormant or even considered. It is only an example but it has now become mere habit come together as a family to consume copious lunches and dinners, exchanging gifts, decorating the tree or preparing the traditional nativity scene. You play cards, bingo and, for the more "worldly" we go to dance and it is getting late in the evening.
In some cases, is it not sheer hypocrisy that must be manifested in this particular event? For example the exchange of the fateful Christmas greetings and loving hugs, kisses that perhaps never before had given or received. Is all this necessary to remember the importance of coming into the world of our Savior Jesus Christ? It is not likely a bit 'of falling into formalism? They own the frenzy of Christian morality and the air of mysticism associated with this celebration, or rather belong to paganism?

This time of year is expected by everyone, believers and nonbelievers, consumers and retailers, like it or not, all are more or less involved. But if I could linger a few moments to reflect a bit 'more about the nature and especially about the true origins of this holiday, maybe you'd be more conscious and more aware as you prepare for Christmas. You could stop to consider all the things you read in this short paper, and as I sincerely hope, decide to behave as it should those who believe in the importance of the birth of the Savior, that is, "according to the will of Christ."

The value of the Christian Christmas

First Christmas of Christians is not December 25. The Lord in His Wisdom did not want to let us know the exact day of birth of the Savior, and even the year is uncertain.

a result of new historic elements, was shown the calculation error committed by Dionysius the Little Monaco when in 525 sets the date of Christ's birth in the year 753 after the founding of Rome. But scholars are in agreement that this date should be brought forward by several years and placed around 749-48. Thus the birth of Christ would lie between 4 or 5 BC, about 750 years after the founding of Rome.

We can also deduce, and be certain that Jesus was not born in the winter because the shepherds who were warned by the angels miraculous event of the birth of the Messiah slept in the open: "Now in that same region there were shepherds lived outside the camps, and at night keeping watch over their flock "(Luke 2:8).

It was certainly not the custom of the shepherds of Israel to spend the night in the open during the winter Palestinian who is stiff enough to prevent it. It is found that many have chosen in a conventional date December 25 to commemorate the birth of the Savior. In any case, the Christian who recognizes the Word of God, the only source of truth and good for your soul, you feel free from compliance with established days, seasons and other occasions because he knows that the outward rituals of the parties superseding the spirit that originally brought them to life.

's what Jesus says about the religious traditions:

Matthew 15:3: "But he answered them: 'And you, that transgress the commandment of God by your tradition?"'
Matthew 15:6: "So have made the commandment of God by your tradition. "
Mark 7:9: "He said to them: 'As you well know set aside God's commandment to observe the tradition yours!'"

In the Bible, the only party to celebrate, with occurrences of specified, are written in the Old Testament. These holidays - such as: the Sabbath (Shabbat); Easter, the feast of Unleavened Bread, the Day of Atonement, etc.., Written in the book of Leviticus chap. 23 - for the sole purpose of presenting figuratively and prophetically the person and work of Jesus Christ, and Him only have fulfillment. Therefore, once fulfilled the work and ministry of Christ they have no value or above need to be observed.

The apostle Paul, writing in this regard to the believers in Galatia who were persuaded of the need of observing certain Jewish religious holidays, remind them that when they were in paganism: "For your ignorance of God, you were subjected to divinity, which in fact are not, but now that you know God, even to him have been known as can you turn again to the weak and beggarly elements, which once again as you wish to serve? you, in fact, observe days, months, seasons and years! I fear for you is that I labored over you in vain "(Galatians 4 :8-11, IEC).

The story that the Gospel of Luke gives us the announcement of the birth of the Savior to the shepherds of Bethlehem helps us to discover what the true spirit of Christmas and how it should be remembered the event glorious incarnation of God

Read Luke 2:8-20: In that region there were shepherds who were in the camps at night and keeping watch over their flock. And an angel of the Lord appeared to them and the glory of the Lord shone around them, and they were terrified. The angel said unto them, Fear not, for I bring you good tidings of great joy for all the people: "Today, the city of David, is born for you a Savior, who is Christ the Lord. And this will be a sign you will find an infant wrapped in swaddling clothes and lying in a manger. " And suddenly there was with the angel a multitude of the heavenly host praising God and saying: "Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace to men he likes," When the angels had gone away to heaven, the shepherds said to one another: "Let's go to Bethlehem and see what happened, and that the Lord has told us about. " They went in haste and found Mary and Joseph and the Babe lying in the manger, and saw him, disclose what they had been told of that child. And all who heard them were amazed of the things said by their pastors. Mary kept all these things in themselves, pondering in her heart. And the shepherds returned, glorifying and praising God for all they had heard and seen, as they were announced.

It is the Good News (Gospel) of great joy.

What fills you with joy these days? The thought of what you do or consideration of what God has already done for you? Maybe the emotion of a moment passed between friends, the expected meeting with a loved one, or the awareness of having received an unparalleled gift from the Lord? You know that "God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have everlasting life" (John 3:16)? What effect do you

attorney know that God came into the world as a man to be men and to save mankind from eternal death By taking on a shameful and horrible death in our place?

is an opportunity to glorify God

On Christmas Day, which will be your main occupation? Loderai the Lord and glorify him for what he has done for you and for the immense benefit that is derived by his humiliation? Or, after putting to rest your soul by fulfilling your religious duty more or less sincerely, it may be concluded to do things that you are neither helpful nor ladies, and often even offensive to God himself?

is an opportunity to testify and to grow in faith.

True Christians take advantage of every opportunity to talk to all of what their Lord has fact and grace they have received. How did the shepherds, they "disclose what they had been told about this child," and like them, built back in their faith: "And the shepherds returned, glorifying and praising God for all they had heard and seen, as they had been announced. "

If these holidays pass and leave you as you have found, if you spend this Christmas without your heart is closer to the Lord, without which your soul has been made more consistent with the perfect example of the Savior .. . then you lose your time, and the Lord himself will not like at all your devotion and traditional surface.

ancient times, through the Prophet lsaia, the Lord showed him a hypocrite for not liking the worship of His people and said, "Stop bringing useless offerings, incense, I hate him, and as for the new moons, and on Saturdays, to convene meetings, I can not stand the ' iniquity united solemn assembly. My soul hates your new moons and your feasts, I have a weight that I'm tired of wearing. When you spread out your hands, I will hide my eyes from you, even when many prayers, I do not hear: your hands are full of blood. Wash and make yourselves clean, remove before my eyes the evil of your doings, cease to do evil, learn to do good, seek justice, raise up the oppressed, do justice to ' orphan Defend the cause of the widow! "Then come and discuss," says the LORD: though your sins be as scarlet, they shall be as white as snow, though they be red like crimson, they shall be as wool "(Isaiah 1:13-18)

What are you doing this Christmas now that you know the truth? "What attitude will you use in front of others: pure and sincere or hypocritical? What are you going to celebrate? Now what do you think is more correct: conform to the common, or conformity to the will of God ?

Friday, December 5, 2008

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There is still the laity?

There yet the laity?
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Dining with God
to: Gianni Di Santo

Preface Erri De Luca

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