Monday, March 7, 2011

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"And I have this confidence: that he who began a good work in you, and bring it to completion until the day of Jesus Christ "
Philippians 1:6

The King of Iceland inherited a large diamond from his ancestors. It was a diamond that nobody had ever seen. The king made place this precious diamond in a crypt so that everyone could contemplate it, and put men on guard. One day, the guard protected the jewels, she noticed that the diamond had an obvious flaw and notified immediately to the king. The King rushed to see ... in fact, the diamond had a crack in very visible, summoned all the jewelers in the kingdom to seek advice. All said that the crack was very deep and that, if they had tried to remove it, the stone would lose all its value and its magnitude, the king was thoughtful when a jeweler came up and said, "If you give me a week to work the gem, maybe I can fix this leak. "At The king gave no importance to those words because it was impossible for other jewelers repair. Eventually, however, agreed.

When Elder for the week ending work, everyone rushed to see the diamond. The jeweler, from expert he was, had carved a rose in the diamond, so that crack had become invisible, hidden by a rose petal skillfully worked.

God takes care of us, working on our character, clears and transforms our shortcomings. God does not throw anything away to us and when we trust in his hands, he draws the best from us. He is our master craftsman, if we let Him do we become his masterpieces.


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