Thursday, January 29, 2009

Kitchens Decorated With Red Apples

"DAY SON OF MAN AS THE GRASS, he flourishes like a flower of the field, SE LO RAGGIENGE A GUST OF WIND THAT THERE IS MORE '" (PSALM 103:15)

a value called TIME

Imagine that there is a bank that each morning add to your account the amount of € 86,400. This strange
bank does not allow that the balance is accumulated in the day and every night and remove the money from your account that you have not spent. We are all customers of this particular bank does not handle our money, but something far more precious, our time! Each morning, the bank adds time to your personal account 86,400 seconds, and every night and remove everything that you've spent or invested in something useful, if you do not use your balance during the day, it is lost, there are no subsidies or credits. Consider then the value of your time: To understand the value of a year, some students think that was rejected for an examination. To realize the value of one month, think of a mother giving birth to a premature baby ... To realize the value
a week, thinks the publisher of a weekly.
time that God has given you is precious, so I can use it in spiritual fruit, pass your time in front of God, pray, sing the songs, and glorify God every day of your life.
May God bless you greatly.


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