Monday, February 25, 2008

Is My Dog Pregnant Scanning


How did The sghorbit ?
There is very little to say here: just saw the commercial success of films on The Lord of the Rings and the subsequent publishing success of all the works on Tolkien, including parodies (The Lord of Traps in head), someone has thought well to take advantage until the end of the occasion by commissioning a well-known (more abroad than in Italy, to tell the truth), another writer of science fiction parody "Tolkien" of the masterpiece ( and debut) Tolkien, The Hobbit . The result is The Soddit (in Italian The Sghorbit ), finished in 2003 and released in Italy in January 2004. But this is just a prequel Bored of the Rings or something more complex?

The plot is a
Dildo Babbins Sghorbit who lives quietly in his cave, until one day be convinced (or forced?) To follow a small group of dwarves (or wafer or dwarf) and a mage short of hearing in undertaking crowds loot a treasure guarded by a dragon, hear the bearded, but from the beginning that dildo feels this is perhaps not their goal. During their journey meet bizarre creatures: Troll leaguers, elves very touchy, a philosopher polipsista guardian of a Thing ® quite valuable, the fearsome Sorel, a boozer, arachnids Marxist Panzuto of beer drinkers, and then the smoky dragon Snob, which will be very different from what one expected Dildo. The story ends with an epic battle, in which something ® will have a decisive role so that everything goes the right way to finish.

One thing must be said immediately: despite the fact that the Italian curators work (always the Collective Self Rumente) have published the names of the characters and some places with the same people who had already used it The Lord of Traps - Gondolfo, Dildo Babbins, Salmon, Land Partition, the same term Sghorbit - in the original this has no link with its predecessor, the hobbits are not called sghorbit but soddit; not Bilbo Dildo is more, but Bingo and so on.
Second way of doing the same author of the new comedy is very different: while the authors of The Lord of Traps have made extensive use of petty comedy, Adam Roberts has used very little in favor of other devices satirical : these are rare intrusions of fantasy elements completely out of context (in the novel of the Lampoon were omnipresent), so such as sexual references and vulgarity in general (the few present are a bit 'more rational), on the contrary there are many carriers intent of satirizing the world of Tolkien. Do not forget that ARRR Roberts is a collegiate university student, a professor with the ball but for science fiction, and I Sghorbit you see how he is amused to find the scientific basis for otherwise inexplicable phenomena. An example of this comedy "critical" when you make four Dildo calculations and discovered that it is not scientifically possible that the dwarves have dug huge buildings in the mountains, forcing them to confess to a terrible secret: they have never been great miners, because the mountains are hollow from the source, or explain that when the dwarves have long beards because all the victims of a terrible psoriasis. It 's also interesting to note the use of footnotes, which often are deprived of their original function to clarify an obscure point of the story, some good points in favor of comedy starring the author himself, for example, a certain point, a note appears only because the previous pages were scarce, or in a reads: "I have a Ph.D. from the University of Cambridge, you know I get to know you care. No one who has created everything from ' hot air, are a scholar with a dignity, I studied Anglo-Saxon literature and company ... ".
A book, then, that has distanced itself from its predecessor in many ways, but which is inevitably linked not just. Of course, to enjoy it to the end of it you MUST read The Hobbit, since it is a parody that is very faithful to the original, and even comedians are the best ideas from its contrast with the situation in the book parody. In my opinion it would be read if only because it is a type of comedy as witty de ISDT , even if the rest is obvious that not everyone will enjoy, as the purists or those who are too used humor to other, more instantaneous (Film and television, to understand). The final assessment is positive: a good parody, made up a book that was not easy to parody, and that despite the absence of comedy routine gives many situations that surprise the reader (and they do laugh, even if it takes a few pages ). Perhaps the price is a little excessive (12.50 €, actually ...) but if, as in the other review said, you want to read something different this book is for you. Perhaps even more de The Lord of Traps.

Also ...
If I understand correctly, this is the only book by Adam Roberts translated into Italian, since even his works "serious" science fiction has been translated yet. Anyone willing to read in their original language, however, should know that Adam Roberts has also written other parodies, and what they relate is more than obvious: The McAtrix derided (2003), The Sellamillion (2004), The Go Dinca Cod (2005) and Star Warped (2005). One of these takes another Tolkien's famous work, but it is not just a parody. I reproduce below the translation of the fourth book cover: The
Sellamillion is NOT a parody of Tolkien's Silmarillion. This would have been useless, because although all Tolkien fans will have a copy only three of them have kept reading after page 40. However, it is a parody of everything that Tolkien has created while working on Lord of the Rings. The history of the older days. The first sketches of the missing Lord of the Rings. A conversation between the author and publisher would be preferable if a button of Destiny rather than a power ring. An experimental version of LOTR if it were written by Dr. Seuss. This kind of thing. It will be fun. Probably hilarious. The author said it could be. Also promised. And he has already written The Sghorbit. And it was kinda funny.


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