Friday, November 21, 2008

Curtain For Recessed Door

BAPTISMS ROME! Sunday, November 9, 2008

"We celebrate the baptism by immersion in water, in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit to those who profess their faith in the Lord Jesus Christ as their personal Savior" (Matthew 28:18, 19 , Acts 2:38, 8:12).

Sunday, November 9th we still had five baptisms in water, the brothers JODI, SIMON, REY and sisters Jade and Anna.
E 'was a meeting where the Lord Jesus was once again present with His blessing and His goodness, we sang, told new experiences, and heard the precious Word of God, which was administered with great joy and preached by brother "Face" that came to visit us from Tuscany.

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

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Everything is ready for the new album - PREPARED TO WORSHIP "Journey to Christ Vol.2". Once again we thank God for this album contains some songs of praise to God who manifests profound yet his immense love for us and gives us grace to sing for him
We want to make our most sincere thanks also to " Maurizio "of Live Music in Porto Potenza, to mix the album, and the quality of this excellent product. The
is scheduled for release on 08/12/2008

May God Bless you.

Friday, November 14, 2008

Why Is My Foot Turning Out


NEW OFFICE IN PIACENZA 21-22-23 November 2008

The new home of the ADI - MEZ:
will be in San Pietro in Cerro (PC) Via Villanova No. 12. Currently the ADI-
MEZ Life & Light and the newspaper in Turin, Via G. D'Annunzio No. 21. Transfer to San Pietro in Cerro (PIACENZA) on 21-22-23 November 2008
's inauguration of the Bible school: one that will gather the Sinti in the meetings for a real work of spiritual renewal and social thanks to God and all those who have contributed to the work of Jesus Christ the Savior the world. A big thanks to God for how He loves us and gives us his immense blessing.