Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Molest In Train Japan

Even the grass BREATHING

Environmental Ethics for the man of the future?

MARISTELLA Sunday, November 11, 2007, VIA CREMONA
AGRESTE, 11 H 18.15

Imagine being alone in the sea as Hemingway's old man on a deserted island as a castaway Tom Hanks, in the dark wood as the poet Dante, in the snow as the sergeant of Stern or as the Little Prince in the desert. These situations are now far from the ordinary, but perhaps better tell that man is thrown into the world, surrounded by nature on which it is confronted with it. The relationship between us and the environment is ambiguous, we are at the mercy of Nature Stepmother? We are omnipotent to begin it? Or perhaps managers, custodians and called to make speech and richness of our surroundings?

Alex Bellini - www.alexbellini.it
Class '78, courageous athlete, he completed several extreme challenges. In 2005 alone, without assistance, started Al-One 2005: the port of Genoa to the coast of Brazil in a rowing boat. Concludes the trip after 226 days and over 10,000 km of sea setting a new record for Atlantic crossing longer. In February, will leave from Lima (Peru) with destination Sydney.

known organizations
The meeting will be held at the oratory of Maristella (via Agreste, 11) with the following program: Hours
18.15 reception: cocktail
18.30 pm prayer and listening to the word
18.45 pm 20.30 pm start meeting
dinner (everyone brings something ...)