Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Congratulation Baby Sentence

Not to be missed ...


Even the grass BREATHING - Environmental Ethics for the man of the future?
Sunday, November 11 2007 18.15
h @ Oratory Maristella

The theme of the meeting will deal with the relationship between man and nature

ANYONE CAN 'share in the
THE PICTURES WILL FOLLOW THE answer to the question:



Send it to the following e-mail addresses before 31 October 2007:

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

How Much To Get Dog Cyst Removed

the footsteps
amazement and silence

Ravasi was interviewed a few years ago with the director Olmi on the theme of silence, here is a small excerpt from the interview: "Think about yourself, such as invites to St. Augustine in his famous call, it is the exercise most exciting and most difficult of all. In his own conscience can be traced infinite wealth and dire poverty, who are also our greatness. I discover, after all, is an extraordinary adventure. Not for nothing has been produced psychology. And now we must resort to its limited resources because it has lost the grandeur of religion, philosophy. "
In silence sinks in themselves and the silence is strongly adjacent to the wonder.
writes Petrosino, dedicated to the wonder that a sharp essay, "What is manifested in not only looks amazing, but it is surprising: there is a light here that surprises and impresses, as if suddenly within the event would open a breach and what is coming unexpectedly comes to life to meet the subject ".
is the triumph of the other from the epiphany itself, the amazing lights the term is moving to the report. Not only that, reveals the alterations in the size interactive, object relationship, which is not limited merely to be the endpoint of an intention, but this same subject in the report. Resides here the unbridled force of wonder.
Always Petrosino then, illustrates the link between astonishment, action and ethical choice: "The something / someone shines only when it emerges its unique way of being, the same that instead always tends to obscure the everyday and misunderstand (...) In everyday life we \u200b\u200bdeal with non-stop of something / someone, you have to do with it constantly, but always in a sort of blindness to its indifferent splendor, never having time for the uniqueness of this shine and the shine of this uniqueness. The experience of astonishment is thus a failure of everyday life, without being an escape from this reality. "
conclusion as always with his words: "Having a clear gaze, free from prejudices and patterns here is the dream and hope of mankind, of every man. In this sense there is no difference between man and man today yesterday. However I think the fear that dominates and distorts human life is not able to degrade all of this life that can always, now as then, and despite a thousand difficulties, to respond according to the measure and dignity that are inherent. As I already said, it is not so much to look for something exceptional, a state of purity of the fact that continually escapes, but rather to give confidence to those moments where, for all becomes clear and manifest a different set of possibilities exist. A very different look at this possibility to exist is what characterizes what can be called "human life": all that exists there, but man alive, that exist or should exist in a certain way or according to some extent. And 'this different measure introduced to the world that Christ has challenged in making it right now and here, again, an exceptional measure, but not exceptional. "

The prayer that we prayed together Sunday, October 14: HO

heard your voice ... I realized I was being naked (Genesis 3, 8-9)
conscience speaks to people and if they are in error, makes feel naked in the presence of God
"How can this bring people to discover the consciousness, the mystery, the silence of God, its proximity, asceticism, the exercise that makes people creative? All of these things, if not you have silence, how do you suggest people today: banal, superficial, if anything reduced the frenzy of music, which is only the rhythm, or the noise of society? ". (Ravasi)

8 And they heard the Lord God walking in the garden in the cool of the day the man with his wife hid themselves from the Lord God among the trees of the garden. 9 But the LORD God called to the man and said, "Where are you? ". 10 said, "I heard your voice in the garden, I was afraid, because I was naked and I hid myself."

THIN VOICE OF SILENCE (1 Kings 19, 11-13)
"The prophet Elijah on Mount Sinai is to rediscover the roots of his vocation and wants to find God in the empire, normal, the theophany: the thunder, the earthquake that sommuove the earth, lightning that gall the trees ... Instead it finds the sentence: 'And finally there was the murmur of a gentle wind'. In Hebrew we have only three words: 'voice, silence, thin'. God is a voice of thin silence. " (Ravasi)

is the Lord passed. There was a strong wind and strong to split the mountains and crushing rocks before the Lord, but the Lord was not in the wind. After the wind there was an earthquake, but the Lord was not in the earthquake. 12 After the earthquake there was fire, but the Lord was not in the fire. After the fire there was the murmur of a gentle wind. 13 As he heard, Elijah covered his face in his mantle and went out and stood at the entrance of the cave.

the silence of God (Mk 15: 33-38)
"We have to admit. When you're a disgrace to humanity before you ask, 'Why does not intervene?'. This question is, immediately after, a response: it is an act of great respect for God for the freedom of man. God is present because, for better or worse, keep the man alive, for better or worse, he was presented with remorse. But it's not like the dictator or the tyrant who will block your hand when it moves according to His purpose. He respects the freedom of his creatures. " (Ravasi)

33 sixth hour came there was darkness over the whole land until three o'clock in the afternoon. 34 At three o'clock Jesus cried with a loud voice: "Eloi, Eloi, lama sabachthani? Which means, My God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me? 35 some of the bystanders hearing it said, "is calling Elijah! ". 36 One of them ran a sponge soaked in vinegar, put it on a reed, gave him to drink, saying: "Wait, let's see if Elijah comes to take him down." 37 And Jesus uttered a loud cry and breathed his last.
38 The veil of the temple was torn in two from top to bottom.

I cry to you, Lord, will not remain silent

I cry to you, Lord;
not remain silent, My God,
because if you do not talk to me, I'm like
who falls into the pit.

2 Listen to the voice of my supplication when I cry for help

when I raise my hands toward thy holy temple. 3
not drag me away with the wicked,
with those who do evil.

Glory to the Father Son and Holy Spirit. Amen. _____________________________________

is the full version of the novel Moupassant (Full Moon), Sunday commentary by prof. Petrosino, click here!

Sunday, October 14, 2007

Pirates Of Ther Caribbean Guitartabs


Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Cydia Sources Pokemon Cheats


Sunday, October 14, 2007
@ Oratory Maristella - Via Agreste, 11 / Cremona
H 18.15

the sound of footsteps - Awe and silence
Silence is a warm and fertile. Using it is a paradox in the silence that you can capture the sound of the important steps, is in the silence that the Word can happen. Experience the silence is to move towards the hatching of the clearing of its inner life, is to plumb the depths, the challenge is that such introspection, such a meeting could take place in the intimacy that can arise in ethical choices willing to amazement, to make space, to respect know and accept the new and the news that others are carriers and the Transcendent.

Silvano Petrosino
Philosopher teaches semiotics at the Catholic University of Milan and Moral Philosophy at the headquarters of Piacenza. Subject of his study are the nature of the sign and analysis of the structure of experience with particular attention to the relationship between word and image. His works include: Small metaphysics of light; Wonder, The experience of the word, vision and desire.