Friday, February 10, 2006

Looking For Bus For Sale


  Saturday, February 11: THE CONCERT IN SUPERSQUILLO.  
third edition of the festival in support of the initiative pro
The Ring super, electro-punk duo,
guitar, vocals and drum machines, scratching and eclectic sound from .....
not be missed!
the arch of the underground club aims of
2006 to finance, through musical events and cultuirali the
AMREF project for the construction of a well in Africa.
The SuperSquillo biography No two
_The SuperSquillo formed in 1977 by father and mother unknown multiple. Several sperm lurking in the uterine dell'ignobile ... uh ... unknown woman who gave birth to two examples of non-existence of God.
are now reading their opening for The Clash, Sex Pistols and Devo, who commented on the performance, "the group that was condemned to exile after the Shaggs. Are really shit!" With the beginning of the '80s, their sound is more electro and soft, and their tour around the world are breathtaking, so much so that David Bowie will say to them: "I heard their song while I was in the bathroom, I must say that I was stimulated ... very good for the villi CVS and their digestive work! "Famous their concert in Manchester shoulder to said that during the 'show, Morrissey threw up spray (exactly three pizzas, Vallespluga a cockerel, and a portion of trifle ... not to mention the body fluids of the partner). 90 I start with a benefit concert in support of Mother Teresa of Calcutta along with Pantera, Metallica and Sepultura. The holy woman during the concert had sex with rappoprti all members of the band, excluding Supersquillo, the official reason for the refusal was the drain that tainted the group for two years now. In '94 entering the crime because they were accused of the murder of Kurt Cobain. The process surprisingly declared them innocent, but the court nevertheless sentenced them to 10 years imprisonment for aggravated break
of balls in various places and at various festivals, and forced to listen
Nicola Di Bari, Ombretta Colli, and Dario Baldan Bembo (Essendon huge fan).
serving his sentence, back on stage next to Goodmorningboy, which advises the singer, the easiest way to commit suicide, and the Boxer Rebellion, which take the first plane to London as the two turn on the amplifier. tackling various gigs around the local Puglia, playing for a bag of potato chips or cheese lupins, which the singer is now addicted. Now grab the head dress from the parish as "in" the country, has become their habit. Boots' big sensation "and outdated dusters to feel out alternately. Caves come to the kidneys destroyed by the glucose and guar gum, and very, very hungry.

Wednesday, February 8, 2006

Herpes Outbreak Worse Over Time

Giuliana Sgrena to the Caves!!

    Giuliana Sgrena   
THE UNDERGROUND !!!!! !!!!!!!



Thinkcentre Driver8215

Thursday 09 February: 3 / 4 Had Been Eliminated

Thursday 09 February
CONCERT: 3 / 4 Had Been Eliminated
missed appointments, the 3 / 4 HBE are a trio of Bologna that
involved in electroacoustic music and ambient soundtracks for
immagini.Sono: Stefano Pilia (guitar), Valerio Tricoli (laptop)
Claudio Rocchetti (analog instruments, old record players, walkie talkie,
tape etc.).
-am out to introduce the new album: "A year of the operation auralgauge"
is being distributed to Hapna rec. (
(in ps. The first to review by Daniela Cascella to blow up)
- "Sometimes a new disc comes as a surprise gift.
Free from the constraints and regardless of any must aftermath of a
promising debut in the
radical experimentation and improvisation, the 3/4HBE can to amaze and
make the best of ways. Stefano Pilia, Claudio Rocchetti, ValerioTricoli
(with the addition of drummer Tony Arrabito, former host of the
first album and several live) are not afraid of contradicting himself, but for
words of Walt Whitman, show to "contain multitudes
. In other words, realize in their own way, the album rock.
While retaining the wealth of sounds ghostly, melancholic drones and stretched,
relentless rhythms, spiked samples used in
first album, this time the 3 / 4 drives to give liberosfogo
previously unexpressed dibrani and create a collection, in some cases
mini-suite of ten minutes, where a structural element "played"
and a quiet lyricism. Just listen to the opening track Widower,
its melody simanifesta without much preamble and glimpses of
a lone voice that resonates far, then transformed into a constellation of
percussive effects, or Labour Chant, with its
gloomy choirs and suspended samples that recall the more introverted moments of
Philip Jeck, an incessant gurgling sound of waterfalls
concrete and noise resulting in the suspense of arpeggios detached and heaving, the guitar riff
As in yearned Of Yore, buried in a sea of \u200b\u200b
field recordings which showed a groan alienating. During the hard
often find items that hover between residues sound (
Shifting Position), mixed acrescendo guitar or enclosed in a sea of \u200b\u200b
resonances reminiscent of the Grand Cinema's Dean Roberts (Wave Bye Bye To The
King), collected in choirs twisted, hybrid of drone-folk star (Monkey
Talk). Each track is sound and refined details inlaid
precious, and sometimes there think to be explored in the misty moors
by Organum, at other moments echo the architecture choral
of psychedelia more overwhelming. Above all - beyond any possible descendants
real or imaginary - there are four musicians,
and a disc overflowing with personality. (8).
Daniela Cascella, Blow Up # 89 "

Saturday, February 4, 2006

Masterbation Embarrasment

Saturday, February 4: MARTA DRINKING THE RAIN

second meeting of the festival in support of pro
AMREF . I MARTA drinks
RAIN appear like this:
".. during the last night,
several complaints for disturbing the public peace were received at
the neighboring district. The operation" MARTA DRINKING THE RAIN "
has exposed a plan for the recycling of sounds dirty. It was rock-by
basement! - the four said they stopped that, despite everything,
continue to confess guilt. "
Hello everyone